Zuckerman, Gray, Scott carry county

ADDISON COUNTY — Addison County voters during Tuesday’s primary elections followed statewide trends in picking Democrat Dave Zuckerman and Republican Phil Scott as their nominees for governor, and Democrat Molly Gray and Republican Scott Milne as the finalists for the post of lieutenant governor. In the Democrat primary for lieutenant governor, political newcomer and assistant Vermont Attorney General Molly Gray won a surprising victory over Senate President Pro Tempore Tim Ashe by winning over 90 percent o … (read more)

Editorial: Takeaways from the primary, and the rise of Molly Gray

Two takeaways from Vermont’s primary election results seem apparent: 1) name recognition gained through several statewide elections makes it tough for first-time challengers to break-through; 2) those who do break through trumpet the need for change with … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Independent’s support of Molly Gray is well-placed

I strongly endorse your editorial of July 16. Molly Gray has the commitment, the integrity, the experience and the intellectual curiosity to justify making her our next lieutenant governor. As a farmer, food producer and Vermont agricultural advocate I am … (read more)

Editorial: Molly Gray for Lieutenant Governor

What makes Molly Gray such an appealing candidate for lieutenant governor is the freshness of her voice, her energetic enthusiasm, a determined drive and her unabashed love of the state. As a political novice but entrenched in the duties of upholding Verm … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Gray’s diverse experience makes her the top choice

Molly Gray is the candidate for Lieutenant Governor with the strongest personal and professional qualifications. She grew up on a Vermont farm, worked in Washington, D.C., in the office of Rep. Peter Welch, and has had a number of assignments internationa … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Molly Gray is the right choice for Lt. Gov

There are many reasons why I’ll be voting for Molly Gray in the Aug. 11 primary to be Vermont’s lieutenant governor. First reason? She’s incredibly experienced. She has served in the U.S. Congress, worked in a war zone, led the international human rights … (read more)

Assistant AG runs for lieutenant governor

BURLINGTON — The global pandemic hasn’t changed the issues Molly Gray is running on in her campaign for lieutenant governor, just amplified them. Gray, 36, an assistant attorney general for the state of Vermont, announced her candidacy in February. She sp … (read more)