New Haven business park on the rise off Route 7
February 6, 2025
Education, News
How are Vermont’s kids doing?
February 6, 2025
Addison County has made progress in preparing its children for adulthood, but it — and the … (read more)
Commodore girls’ basketball overwhelms the T-Birds for a 38-25 victory
February 10, 2025
On Friday, the Vergennes Union High School girls’ basketball team broke open a tight defen … (read more)
- HUTHEFA MAALIM OF Kenya descends the hill on snowshoes. Independent photo/Steve James
- A QUARTET OF newly graduated Middlebury College bros on their way to the traditional ski down at the Snowbowl on Monday mug for the camera while Interim College President Steve Snyder looks happy to take a break from his official duties. Independent photo/Steve James
- AFTER MORE THAN a hundred members of the Middlebury College Class of 2024.5 (popularly called “Febs”) received their diplomas Saturday morning, most bused up to the Middlebury Snowbowl to ski the slopes in their academic regalia. This group seems to find the trip down the mountain a little windy. Independent photo/Steve James
- AN ENTHUSIASTIC SKIER zooms down the slope. Independent photo/Steve James
- MARY NAGY-BENSON of Weybridge, center, and fellow graduates show their excitement. Independent photo/Steve James
- 2020 MUHS GRAD Joseph Findlay glances back for a moment while gliding forward with a couple fellow 2024.5 Middlebury College grads. Independent photo/Steve James
- THE CLASS OF 2024.5 tosses their caps. Independent photo/ Steve James
- A GROUP OF grads hold tight to their hats at the Snowbowl. Independent photo/Steve James
- A QUARTET OF grads cheer on the chair lift. Independent photo/Steve James
Arts & Leisure
No Man’s Land: Outdoor film fest lands in Middlebury
February 6, 2025
Watching pretty much any outdoor sports film riles up an energy; a feeling of “I’m doing t … (read more)
Editorial: Why chaos and scapegoating work for Trump
February 6, 2025
As the nation’s increasingly discredited president continues to sow chaos at every level — … (read more)