Karl Lindholm: Middlebury’s Freddy Mosier has played baseball everywhere!

“I think my passion for baseball started when I was four or five and my dad gave me a baseball card — a card of Albert Belle (a star for the Cleveland Indians),” Freddy Mosier told me over a beer at Fire and Ice last Sunday evening. 

Karl Lindholm: Women’s hoop has a record breaker: Alexa Mustafaj

In the quarterfinals of the NESCAC women’s basketball tournament on Feb. 17, Middlebury was down by four in the third quarter to the dreaded Amherst Mammoths. 

Karl Lindholm: Sports Illustrated emphasized the ‘writing’ in ‘sports writing’

The school was abuzz when I arrived. Students crowded around me, their enthusiasm barely contained. I was their English teacher and coach — and on this day in February 1975 their hero and exemplar. 

Karl Lindholm: Coach’s course puts sports and its lessons in context

Mike Leonard and Scott Langerman are friends — friends and colleagues. Together, they offered a Winter Term course at Middlebury College this January, “Sports and Society: How Sports Transcend Their Sidelines.” 

Clippings: Rip Van Winkle back in the classroom

“I’m Professor Van Winkle — you can call me ‘Rip.’” That’s how I introduced myself this fall on Sept. 9 at 9 a.m. to 16 fresh-faced Middlebury College first-year students.

Karl Lindholm: Brooks was great, but where’s Ray?

Cornwall’s Roth “T” Tall, consummate Baltimore Oriole fan, opened the Rotary Club meeting at Rosie’s Restaurant with a eulogy for Brooks Robinson.

Clippings: Polishing some pearls of wisdom

My sainted mother, the original Jane Lindholm, had an aphorism for every occasion and loved to trot them out. She was a regular Ben Franklin, and I was a gold mine for this predilection, given my adolescent indifference to manual labor and disciplined eff … (read more)

Karl Lindholm: Mabrey earns athletic immortality at Middlebury College

In the tenth grade, Edie MacAusland started ski racing at the Franconia Ski Club. At a race at the Snow Bowl, she stole a bib and hung it in her bedroom “as a source of inspiration.” 

Karl Lindholm: Checking in with the peripatetic Bill Lee

I gave Bill Lee a call last week, hoping he was at his home in Craftsbury and we might arrange a visit. I was concerned for his health.

Karl Lindholm: Mind over matter: Chris, Luke and Martin

Satchel Paige supposedly said, “Age is a case of mind over matter: if you don’t mind, it don’t matter.” The sentiment applies to Middlebury athlete Chris Hamilton, who has competed at masters track and field events throughout New England, and in other par … (read more)

Karl Lindholm: The Rotarians, COVID and a Colossus

Karl muses on the Impossible Dream Red Sox of 1967, the amazing Shohei Ohtani and Major League Baseball this year.

Karl Lindholm: Nuf Ced, Tessie, Honey Fitz and the Royal Rooters

The timing was right, and ripe, for those first-generation Irish boys to be swept up by the baseball fever that had overtaken America after the Civil War — and indeed the Irish dominated the early game.

Karl Lindholm: Another woman in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

A long time ago, Dec. 9, 1999 to be exact, in my first year offering these pearls of wisdom in the Independent, I started a column with “Fenway Park: What a dump!” and went to offer additional observations in that vein.

Karl Lindholm: The third front of baseball’s integration: Trois Rivières, 1946

Road trip to Trois Rivières, Quebec, for a ballgame. At least that was the plan.

Karl Lindholm: Local boy makes good — in golf!

Hogan Beazley, a 2019 graduate of Middlebury Union High School, and now Middlebury College as well, has done his namesake proud.