Rodgers upsets Zuckerman in Lt. Gov. race

John Rodgers, a Republican from Glover, was elected lieutenant governor of Vermont Tuesday, unseating Progressive/Democrat Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman in a rare ouster of a statewide incumbent. The dramatic conclusion came at the end of a highly competitive — and at times highly personal — contest for the state’s second highest-ranking office.

Letter to the editor: Kimbell touted for lieutenant governor

The Vermont primary season is under way, and it’s shaping up to be a doozy.

Democrat Preston enters race for Lt. Governor

After a decade of leading a statewide organization that brings the international community to Vermont’s doorstep through collaborative exchanges, Patricia Preston, 37, has joined the race for Vermont’s lieutenant governor.

Eric Davis: Gray’s decision creates intrigue

Lt. Gov. Molly Gray’s announcement that she is a candidate for Vermont’s open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives means that there will also be an open seat campaign for lieutenant governor next year.

Molly Gray gears up for term as Vt.’s No. 2

MIDDLEBURY — Molly Gray has already traveled the world as a Red Cross worker, extending humanitarian aid to nations in need. Now, at age 36, Gray has set firm roots in her native Vermont, which she will serve for at least the next two years as lieutenant … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Gray’s background is ideal for lieutenant governor job

Molly Gray is exactly the right person that Vermont needs now to be our next Lieutenant Governor — intelligent, grounded in the Vermont experience, but with a level of international exposure that has prepared her to tackle the job. Molly will bring an ene … (read more)

Editorial: Molly Gray for lieutenant governor

As Vermonters consider which candidates will move Vermont forward over the next decade, the most crucial issues revolve around the state’s demographic challenges. We need leaders to not only stem the flow of young Vermonters leaving the state, but who kno … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Gray has the right stuff to be lieutenant governor

Molly Gray is exactly the right person that Vermont needs now to be our next Lieutenant Governor — intelligent, grounded in the Vermont experience, but with a level of international exposure that has prepared her to tackle the job. Molly will bring an ene … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Siegel is the best choice for lt. governor

While all the candidates in the Lt. Governor’s race have made positive contributions to our public life, I will be supporting Brenda Siegel in the upcoming Democratic primary. In my mind, Brenda has shown her commitment through her life’s work and consist … (read more)

Ten seek to advance in Lt. Gov. race

MIDDLEBURY — Ten candidates are running for lieutenant governor this year. The following is a brief introduction to the names you will see on ballots in the Aug. 11 Primary Election.  Information was culled from the candidates’ websites, and/or other onli … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Independent’s support of Molly Gray is well-placed

I strongly endorse your editorial of July 16. Molly Gray has the commitment, the integrity, the experience and the intellectual curiosity to justify making her our next lieutenant governor. As a farmer, food producer and Vermont agricultural advocate I am … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Siegel running for Lt. Gov for the right reasons

What does Vermont want from its Lieutenant Governor? We all know the Vermont’s Lt. Governor job is pretty easy. Presides over the Senate, only votes on ties, sits on the Committee for Committee, get $62k per year with benefits. Our past Lt. Governor, now … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Hardy endorses Ingram

The most hotly contested statewide election in Vermont this year is the race for lieutenant governor. Among four strong Democratic candidates, I am proudly endorsing Sen. Debbie Ingram for lieutenant governor. Debbie has the skills, temperament and experi … (read more)

Editorial: Molly Gray for Lieutenant Governor

What makes Molly Gray such an appealing candidate for lieutenant governor is the freshness of her voice, her energetic enthusiasm, a determined drive and her unabashed love of the state. As a political novice but entrenched in the duties of upholding Verm … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Gray’s diverse experience makes her the top choice

Molly Gray is the candidate for Lieutenant Governor with the strongest personal and professional qualifications. She grew up on a Vermont farm, worked in Washington, D.C., in the office of Rep. Peter Welch, and has had a number of assignments internationa … (read more)