Addison-5 reelects Rep. McGill

Incumbent Rep. Jubilee McGill, D-Bridport, won a sophomore term representing the Addison-5 House district on Tuesday, thanks in large part to support from a sliver of Middlebury voters who overwhelmingly picked her over Republican challenger Del Thompson, also of Bridport.

Letter to the editor: Scott must tone down rhetoric

In times like these, when everyone is feeling pressure and stress, it is especially important that we all come together to solve problems and support one another across the state.

Letter to the editor: Electing Hildie Stone would benefit everyone

I am writing to recommend Hildie Stone for the Bridport seat on the Addison Central School District Board.

McGill wins race for seat in redone Addison-5 district

The Addison-5 House district has, for four years, been the GOP’s lone red beachhead in an otherwise blue Addison County.

Letter to the editor: McGill will work hard for Addison-5

Does it matter if someone running for the Vermont State Legislature states publicly that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen?

Letter to the editor: Don’t back conspiracies; vote for Jubilee McGill

Does Addison County want to be represented in the Legislature by a candidate who spouts conspiracy theories about the Covid vaccine; opposes women’s reproductive rights; and attacks expanded voting rights as “Progressive, Socialist and Communist plots”?

Letter to the editor: McGill would help affordability

We have a tremendous affordable and workforce housing shortage in Addison County and in Vermont.

Letter to the editor: McGill is a good choice for Addison-5 House seat

Jubilee is strongly dedicated to helping the less fortunate in our society through providing more affordable housing, working for racial and climate justice, promoting a livable wage for workers and helping Vermonters to recover from the economic devastat … (read more)

McGill looks to succeed Smith in Vt. House

Bridport Democrat Jubilee McGill two years ago came only 205 votes shy of defeating longtime incumbent Rep. Harvey Smith, R-New Haven, in her first bid to represent the Addison-5 House district.

Letter to the editor: McGill has heart for Rep. job

I’ve known Jubilee McGill for several years, well before she recently entered formal politics. Like many Vermonters her life has not been easy, but she has a big heart and that has made all the difference. She knows what it is to be a single mom with diff … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Climate change is another reason to back McGill

This election cycle, I plan to vote for Jubilee McGill for the Vermont House seat to represent the towns of Bridport, New Haven, and Weybridge. Here’s why: Jubilee’s opponent is Harvey Smith, my current state representative. He has shown this session that … (read more)

Candidate Q&A: Addison-5

ADDISON COUNTY — All of Addison County’s incumbent state senators and representatives will run for re-election Nov. 3, and many challengers have stepped up to make sure there will be competition for the two state Senate seats representing Addison County, … (read more)

Letter to the editor: McGill deserves Statehouse seat

Jubilee McGill is running for the Vermont House in New Haven, Weybridge and Bridport. I will be voting for Jubilee and I urge voters in our three towns to also vote for Jubilee in November. Jubilee will bring her energy to the work of the legislature, usi … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Jubilee McGill would be an effective state legislator

I am writing today in support of Jubilee McGill’s run for state representative for Addison-5, which includes the towns of Bridport, Weybridge, and New Haven. I have known Jubilee for years, and was thrilled when I heard that she had decided to run for off … (read more)

Letter to the editor: McGill deserves voter support

Voters from Addison-5 (Bridport, New Haven, Weybridge) would do well to support Jubilee McGill as our new Representative to the Vermont House. I got to know Jubilee when I began working closely with her to build the grassroots organization she brought to … (read more)