Letter to the editor: Jubilee McGill would be an effective state legislator
I am writing today in support of Jubilee McGill’s run for state representative for Addison-5, which includes the towns of Bridport, Weybridge, and New Haven. I have known Jubilee for years, and was thrilled when I heard that she had decided to run for office. Jubilee is exactly the kind of person we need representing us — she is thoughtful, caring, hard-working and passionate about her pursuits.
She lives and breathes service, having worked for years in programs that aid the disadvantaged, first with the Addison County Community Trust, and more recently with the John Graham shelter. She is someone who has “pulled herself up by her bootstraps,” and yet she is also someone who realizes that not one among us got where we are without a little help from someone else along the way. What a perfect mix!
We live in such a polarized time, and electing Jubilee McGill would be a step toward a rational middle ground. A real person, with real understanding of the issues facing Vermonters — I can’t think of anyone better suited to represent us. Please vote for Jubilee on Nov. 3rd!
Taborri Bruhl
New Haven
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