Video: Doc Lyle Sol’s Medicine Show
Something special happened in Middlebury last weekend.
Folks in Buttolph Acres and at EastView were drawn out of their homes and into the streets by an old-fashioned traveling show. Created by Town Hall Theater’s Courageous Stage and performed on a mobile platform, “Doc Lyle Sol’s Medicine Show” encouraged pan-banging, music-playing, and cheering from audiences — who were appropriately spaced out and masked — along its route.
The original work is a modern twist on the 1800s medicine show, as Doc Sol, a classic “snake-oil salesman,” pulls out all the stops to sell the crowd a miracle cure for every COVID-inflicted ill — isolation, frustration, even… constipation? Conceived and written by Lindsay Pontius, Craig Maravich, Clint Bierman and Bair Lambert, the show culminated in a singalong with the audience.
It wasn’t a miracle cure, but it certainly lightened the mood for the dozens who came out of isolation to enjoy it.
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