Middlebury eyes homeless encampment policy

The town of Middlebury is considering an encampment policy that would give community officials more guidance on potentially regulating temporary settlements of houseless individuals within the shire town.

Middlebury lauds departing town manager

Current and past town officials and many members of the Middlebury community wished longtime Town Manager Kathleen Ramsay a fond farewell during a Sept. 5 party held at the Town Hall Theater

Midd town manager search down to two

Middlebury has narrowed its town manager search down to two finalists who’ll be interviewed by the town selectboard within the next week or two.

Middlebury parking fines go up to $25

Running afoul of Middlebury’s parking rules will now cost you $25 per infraction, up from the longstanding $5 fine that had been in place for most violations.

As organization evolves, Vermont Folklife to sell Warren House

Vermont Folklife officials have confirmed a buyer for the nonprofit’s headquarters — the historic John Warren House at 88 Main St. in Middlebury — and hope to close on a deal with the yet-to-be-revealed purchaser this fall.

Otter Creek Falls hydro effort scuttled

The latest effort to reestablish hydropower at Middlebury’s Otter Creek Falls has been scuttled.

Middlebury to boost security cameras

The Middlebury municipal building will soon be outfitted with seven new security cameras to increase the safety of town employees and get a better picture of what Police Chief Jason Covey said is a surging level of unruly activity in the rear parking lot … (read more)

Halladay Road To Close For Six Weeks

The town of Middlebury recently announced that Halladay Road will be closed to all traffic, 24 hours a day, for approximately 45 days starting Monday, September 9, for a box culvert project. Good idea to plan alternative routes now.

Schools drive Middlebury tax hike

The Middlebury selectboard has set the fiscal year 2025 municipal tax rate of 88.94 cents per $100 in property value, representing a 2.46-cent bump from the current rate of 86.48 cents.

Middlebury to vote on natural gas easement

Middlebury residents on Oct. 1 will have a chance to either affirm, or reject, their town selectboard’s prior decision to grant Vermont Gas a free land easement to funnel natural gas service to St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church at 3 Main St.

Letter to the editor: Middlebury is a wonderful place

On my almost daily walks around Middlebury village, I am always struck by the beauty of our town. I commend all those folks who plan, plant and maintain everything that makes our town/village so attractive and inviting.

Underground boulder causes another water main break

Public works crews worked hard this past weekend tending to at least four water main breaks in Middlebury.

ACSD sets 2024 school bus routes for students in Middlebury-area towns plus Hancock, Granville and Rochester

Here are the scheduled school bus pick-up and drop-off times for students in Cornwall, Salisbury, Bridport, Shoreham, Weybridge, Ripton and Middlebury, as well for students over the mountain.

New and renewed at Foodaroo 9

While the ninth annual Foodaroo festival on Aug. 11 will feature its winning recipe of international food and beverage vendors, buskers, live music, King Arthur Flour Baking competitions, there are lots of new things to shout about.

How to register so you can see the dog movie

If you’d like your dog(s) to attend the Aug. 10 screening of the new documentary “Inside the Mind of a Dog” at Middlebury’s Memorial Sports Center, then read this story.