
Editorial: Gov. Scott outdoes Trump

The contrast between Vermont Gov. Phil Scott’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic and the nation’s bone-headed, flip-flopping, golf-playing, all-about-me president, Mr. Trump, is night and day.
From the get-go, Gov. Scott was communicative to the public; respectful but firm and informative. He took deliberate actions, clearly articulated the severity of the crisis and the way forward, and took the painful but necessary steps to shut down the economy as needed to avoid overwhelming our hospitals and saving lives. So far, praise be, Vermont seems to have a reasonable handle on the pandemic and, despite the fact that there were not enough tests to administer early on in the outbreak, we may escape without too many deaths. 
In contrast, Trump pooh-poohed its potential threat for the first 8 weeks, when on 8 golf outings in those weeks, glad-handing others and chumming it up at his resorts with wealthy cronies all the while pitting state-against-state in a desperate rush to securred critical medical supplies. 
He would later deny he had prior knowledge of the virus in time to head off the disaster of America’s unforgivable unprepareness (only believeable if you think he doesn’t watch TV news, which had it on nightly, and if you believe it wasn’t in his daily briefings), lied repeatedly about the severity of the contagious spread and continues to spread false information and rumors about possible cures. To top it off he is now sabatoging our national reputation by threatening the world healh care organization with petty and bogus claims and is practically stealing or hoarding needed medical supplies that we should rightly share with our Canadian neighbors, allies in Europe and other countries in need. 
He betrays the national trust in so many ways, it is disgraceful.
To those political independents and those Trump supporters who think Trump has done an OK job responding to this pandemic, we implore you to study the issue more carefully. Not because we want to dethrone Trump, but because if Trump supporters and Independents can’t determine when the nation’s leaders have so serioiusly failed them and caused thousands of unnecessary deaths and an economic collapse that did not need to happen, we’re in trouble as a nation. At least watch the comparisons with how other nations handled this pandemic and think for yourself what they mean. We all need you to think, not be guided by obvious lies and the propaganda Fox News so willingly provides to enrich its coffers.
Angelo Lynn

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