Veteran Allan Moch’s remains put to rest

The cremated remains of a Vietnam War veteran that had been found in the trunk of a junked car at a Pittsford scrapyard have been interred next to the grave of the veteran’s daughter at the East Clarendon Cemetery.

Legion cemetery exudes history

The oldest portion of Farmingdale Veterans Cemetery was formerly known as the Seeley Cemetery. It’s where several local veterans of the Revolutionary War are buried.

Junked car yields cremated remains of military serviceman

Justin Grassano has grown accustomed to finding items squirreled away in vehicles making their last road trip into his Pittsford scrapyard. But nothing could have prepared him for what he’d discover this past spring.

2023 nursing scholarships available

The Barre chapter of The Forty and Eight, a national veterans organization, is offering scholarships to qualified undergraduate students enrolled in academic programs of study leading to either associates or bachelor degrees in nursing.

Community forum: Veterans deserve respect, support

The service of America’s veterans never truly ends. Even when they hang up their military uniforms for the last time, many still choose to protect us.

Pre-COVID activity returning to Legions

Two-and-a-half years later, as most local Legion posts are enjoying a return to some traditional, fully in-person events, some veterans organizations are continuing programs they pivoted to during the pandemic, such as “buddy checks.” 

Veterans groups aim to get younger members

Bristol American Legion Post 19 Commander Ron LaRose presides over a graying membership that does great service for local veterans and the community at large.

Bristol vet helps give his comrades a voice

ESSEX — Bestselling author Sebastian Junger has announced the launch of a nonprofit to create connections and increase understanding between veterans and non-veterans. Vets Town Hall will provide resources to help individuals and organizations coordinate … (read more)

Join the VA hospital for ceremony in person & online

The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in White River Junction will recognize the service of veterans with an in-person and virtual ceremony on Nov. 11.

November job fairs focuses on veterans

In continuation of its efforts to connect jobseekers with career opportunities and employers with talent, the Vermont Department of Labor is hosting in-person and virtual job fairs this November.

Honoring those local soldiers who fell in Vietnam

Featured on the Wall of Faces are six members of the U.S. armed forces who hailed from Addison County, Vt., and who died in service to their country.

Lunch for Vietnam veterans held in Vergennes

Twenty-one Vietnam Veterans gathered on April 23 for a luncheon held by the The Seth Warner – Rhoda Farrand Chapter of the DAR. 

Veteran tells her story so we can all understand vets’ service

For Veterans Day I would like to share with you one of my experiences as a medic who served 15 consecutive months in a combat zone.

Local family reunited with World War II Purple Heart

During the summer of 1945, an Allied victory over Japan seemed imminent enough that Frank Darling, 55, of Caldwell, Idaho, felt the urge to celebrate in advance.

Supporting homeless vets and helping others

Middlebury American Legion Post 27 on Saturday, Nov. 13, will collaborate with a local radio station to raise donations for the Dodge House, a Rutland-based shelter for homeless veterans that’s in urgent need of new furniture, bed linens and other basic h … (read more)