Town meeting results: Bridport

BRIDPORT — Bridport residents at their town meeting on Tuesday morning endorsed all the money items on their warning, including a major bridge/culvert project and a new, one-ton truck for the highway department. Article 34 on the town meeting warning asked voters for up to $400,000 to invest in some, or all, of the following projects: Replacement of the Middle Road Bridge, replacement of one culvert each on Mountain Road and Lake Street, and replacement of double culverts on Rattlin Bridge Road. Total costs … (read more)

Town meeting results: Cornwall

CORNWALL — Cornwall residents passed all the money items on their ballot, but defeated two advisory referenda related to how Addison Central School District directors should be elected and the process for closing ACSD schools. Cornwall was one of four Add … (read more)

Town meeting results: Ferrisburgh

FERRISBURGH — Ferrisburgh residents’ decision-making was focused on financial matters at town meeting on Saturday morning and in voting booths on Tuesday. Town spending measures were decided from the floor of town meeting. Voters backed without amendment … (read more)

Town meeting results: Goshen

GOSHEN — After a traditional potluck dinner at their town hall Monday evening, Goshen residents held a quick, hour-long town meeting in which they OK’d a town spending plan and discussed how the town, which handles trash pickup, will manage the state mand … (read more)

Town meeting results: Granville

GRANVILLE — A few years ago Granville discarded the old tradition of the office of the auditor as it became more difficult to populate the office, but at Tuesday evening’s town meeting residents reinstated the office. They also elected three auditors to t … (read more)

Town meeting results: Hancock

HANCOCK — Hancock voters returned an incumbent selectman at their annual town meeting on Tuesday morning and OK’d their town budget with only a minor modification. Jack Ross stood for re-election to the selectboard in the gathering at the Route 100 town h … (read more)

Town meeting results: Lincoln

LINCOLN — In Lincoln this week, residents approved more than a million-and-a-half-dollars in town spending, elected several town officials (including one new face) and conducted the usual town meeting business. Without too much ado, residents at Monday ni … (read more)

Town meeting results: Leicester

LEICESTER — It was smooth sailing at town meeting in Leicester this year. When they gathered at the Leicester Meeting House on Monday evening residents approved the proposed $695,235 of town spending for the coming fiscal year, an amount that is roughly $ … (read more)

Town meeting results: Middlebury

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury voters at their annual town meeting Monday evening passed all the money items on their ballot, though they modified a major funding request from Middlebury Regional EMS (MREMS) and decided they should be able to pay their property … (read more)

Town meeting results: Monkton

MONKTON — On Town Meeting Day, incumbent selectboard member Bill Martin won another three-year term on the board. He ran unopposed. In a contested race to fill the seat vacated by longtime selectboard member Ann Layne, Paul Low defeated Robert Fogg, 520–2 … (read more)

Town meeting results: New Haven

NEW HAVEN — On Town Meeting Day, 706 ballots were counted in New Haven and several incumbents maintained their seats. Incumbent Taborri Bruhl defeated John Hamel for a three-year term on the selectboard, 367–286. Incumbent John Roleau defeated Bruce Many … (read more)

Town meeting results: Orwell

ORWELL — Orwell residents on Tuesday approved a town budget and welcomed two new members to the town selectboard. The big ticket items on the Town Meeting Day ballot — a $26,623,041 Slate Valley Unified Union School District spending plan and a $59.5 mill … (read more)

Town meeting results: Panton

PANTON — In Tuesday Australian balloting, Panton voters approved town spending measures and returned incumbents to the town selectboard and the Addison Northwest School District board. Residents supported, 141-74, a proposed 2020-2021 Panton town budget o … (read more)

Town meeting results: Salisbury

SALISBURY — Salisbury voters on Town Meeting Day approved all the articles on a busy warning, including their town and highway budgets, and a measure to eliminate the local office of town auditor. A proposal to allot $26,371.80 to the Brandon-Leicester-Sa … (read more)

Town meeting results: Ripton

RIPTON — Ripton residents at their town meeting approved all the articles on their warning, including two advisory referenda that suggested local residents be given more of a say in the election of their local school directors and potential future closure … (read more)