The Grift rocks Middlebury with next-gen talent

Get ready for a night of musical excellence with Vermont’s premiere party band, The Grift, alongside talented young stars at Town Hall Theater on May 4.

The Grift: G23 celebrates band’s birthday at THT

How does The Grift celebrate 23 years as a band? With G23, a two-night rock extravaganza with some very special guests.

Get down with the Grift before winter comes

Join the Grift and Town Hall Theater for a live music experience that celebrates fall, while supporting the arts and artists before the long winter. This daytime, distanced, danceable show debuts music from Clint Bierman and Peter Day’s new band Treetop M … (read more)

Grift members find venue for fan support

If you are from Vermont, and particularly Addison County, it is likely you’re familiar with The Grift and the members of this homegrown band: Clint Bierman, Peter Day, Jeff Vallone and Andrew Moroz.  Bierman and Day, leaders of the band, told the Independ … (read more)

Quarantine prompts local musician to branch out

When Clint Bierman writes a new song, he tests it out on his sons, Ty and Sam. “They’re the first people I go to,” the guitarist and vocalist for The Grift said in a recent phone interview.  Fourth-grader Ty and second-grader Sam attend the Bridge School … (read more)

The Grift: Rockin’ for 20 years

MIDDLEBURY — Everyone gets it when two Middlebury College kids graduate, move to Boulder, Colo., and decide to start a rock band — they’re just enjoying their 20s and will get “real” jobs in a couple of years. But, for Clint Bierman (’97) and Jeff Vallone … (read more)