Some scholarships lack applicants

ADDISON COUNTY — Every year Addison County high school seniors apply for hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of scholarships awarded by local community organizations.At the Middlebury Union High School graduation this past Saturday, Addison Central School District Superintendent Peter Burrows noted that dozens of MUHS students had been awarded more than $120,000 in such scholarships.This year, however, multiple scholarships available to county’s Class of 2021 received no applicants.One of those, a $500 … (read more)

MUHS students receive scholarships

MIDDLEBURY — United Way of Addison County (UWAC) fosters community service in all community members, but especially in our youth in Addison County. In that spirit, UWAC honors local high school seniors through the “Live United” Volunteer Scholarship Award … (read more)

Middlebury Community Players scholarship deadline extended

MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Community Players have extended the application deadline for its yearly scholarship. The group will award two $1,000 scholarships to students who have graduated from high school within the last two years and who plan to attend … (read more)

Scholarships available from Middlebury Community Players

MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Community Players will once again award two $1,000 scholarships to students who have graduated from high school within the last two years and who plan to attend college. In order to be eligible for either of these scholarships … (read more)

Applications open for Hog Island Audubon Camp scholarship

Otter Creek Audubon Society (OCAS) will provide an $800 scholarship to help an Addison County educator or teen attend the renowned Hog Island Audubon Camp next summer. Located off the scenic coast of Maine, the camp is run by the National Audubon Society … (read more)

Mount Abe seniors receive scholarships

BRISTOL — Four graduating Mount Abraham Union High School seniors have been awarded scholarships by the Tari Shattuck Education Foundation, which gives scholarships to students planning to pursue a degree in Education. Owen Darling of Bristol, Addy Harris … (read more)

Children of area firefighters earn scholarships

ADDISON COUNTY — The Addison County Firefighters Association scholarship committee has announced that Sydney Perlee of Bristol and Riley Ochs of Orwell were chosen to receive scholarships in the amount of $500 each, The scholarships are awarded each year … (read more)

Orwell Fortnightly Club offers scholarships to area women

ORWELL — The Fortnightly Club of Orwell, a member of the General Foundation of Women’s clubs of Vermont (GFWC-VT, has announced the availability of scholarships for Vermont women beyond the traditional college age seeking to further their education or tra … (read more)

‘Choose Vermont’ scholarships offered

MONTPELIER — The Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation and 13 Vermont colleges and universities are announcing the 2020 Choose Vermont Scholarship Program, which will award $60,000 in scholarship mone … (read more)