Middlebury police officers honored for heroism

As 2024 draws to a close, the Middlebury Police Department is welcoming two new police officers and a police dog, while honoring several of its officers for acts of heroism during the year.

Man charged in connection with Bristol shooting

Police say that Daryn Barsalou was at the Nov. 27 shooing in Bristol that took the life of a local man. Barsalou was charged with possessing a firearm even though he was not allowed to.

Bristol resident in hospital after apparent accidental shooting

Bristol Police Chief Bruce Nason said there’s no concern for public safety at this time, but police were investigating.

Vergennes Police Log: Policer nab man with outstanding warrant

VERGENNES — While handing over a domestic assault suspect to Vermont State Police on July 11, Vergennes police ended up citing a Brandon man for driving with a criminally suspended license and processed him for an outstanding warrant for failure to appear … (read more)

Middlebury Police Log: Local man cited for possession of cocaine

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Jamie Billings, 50, of Middlebury for driving under the influence and possession of cocaine, following a traffic stop on South Street on July 12. Police obtained an evidentiary blood sample from Billings, which has bee … (read more)

Middlebury Police Log: Authorities busy with mental health issues

Middlebury police and Middlebury Regional EMS this past week responded to multiple reports of people dealing with mental health issues.

Middlebury man charged with attempted murder after knife attack on College St.

Police say a Jerry L. Hoffman randomly attacked a couple then was chased into Otter Creek. One victim is at UVM Medical Center, Hoffman is in jail.

Police take Middlebury shooter into custody on Friday evening

Multiple Middlebury police cruisers descended upon a Seymour Streets home on Friday, June 30, in response to gunfire. A tense situation ended six hours later when police raided the home and disarmed the man.

Police cite juvenile for break-in at Vergennes convenience store

VERGENNES — Police in Vergennes this week asked for the public’s help in finding a young man who broke into a city convenience store on the night of New Year’s Day. And they got the information they needed to identify and cite a suspect. Police on Monday … (read more)

Bristol man brandished a gun at police, is arrested

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police on Aug. 15 cited Benjamin Emmons, 32, of Bristol for three counts of aggravated assault on a police officer, felony operating without owner’s consent, criminal threatening, and a probation violation, following an investigati … (read more)

Police improve response to rising number of mental health calls

Middlebury police have seen the number of calls requesting mental health-related help rise from 54 in 2018 to 259 in 2021.

Police investigating pharmacy break-ins in Vergennes, Bristol and Brandon

VERGENNES/BRISTOL/BRANDON — Police in Vergennes, Bristol and Brandon are seeking help from the public in providing information about two recent attempted break-ins into pharmacies and one burglary at Kinney Drug Store in Vergennes in which police said thi … (read more)

Committee backs Vergennes citizen police oversight

Should Vergennes form a community panel to help city officials oversee and work with the police department? For the second time in 17 months the local committee charged with studying the question said “yes.”

UPDATED: Police called in as flag conflict escalates at Mt. Abe

Officials from three county law enforcement agencies stood by this morning at Mount Abraham Union High School, which was on full alert after some students had threatened to bring weapons to school following a school ban on flag-related attire.

City police-study panel eyes collaborative model

VERGENNES — For the past few months a rebuilt Vergennes Citizen Review Board Exploratory Committee has been researching options for a possible citizen police advisory panel to present to the Vergennes City Council. On Feb. 23 that study committee’s chair, … (read more)