Bristol-area Dems take House seats

Democrats held on to the two House seats representing the Addison-2 district towns of Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton and Starksboro, with the Republican challengers putting forth a respectable showing.

Addison-4 candidate forum set for Tuesday

The Bristol Democratic Committee has invited the four candidates for the Vermont House in the Addison-4 District to discuss their positions in a forum in Bristol this coming Tuesday.

Cordes, Olson will represent Democrats on ballot

Those filling out the Democratic ballot in Tuesday’s Addison-4 primary picked incumbent Rep. Mari Cordes of Bristol and Herb Olson of Starksboro to move on to the Nov. 5 general election, when residents of Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton and Starksboro will mak … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Cordes shows up for the county

I will be voting for Mari Cordes for state representative this cycle, and I am asking you all to do the same. Mari Cordes has been showing up for Addison County residents since 2018. This past session, she sponsored many bills related to making healthcare … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Cordes, Albert supported in Addison-4 race

What a thrill to vote early in the statewide primary. My picks in the House of Representatives race in my Addison-4 district (Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, Starksboro) are newcomer Jeanne Albert and incumbent Mari Cordes.

Candidate Q&A: Mari Cordes, Democrat, Addison-4

I am a strong, independent woman. I have been a mason tender, vegetable farmer, union president, and Vermont RN for 36 years.

Monkton man cited for threatening lawmaker

A local man left voicemails to Rep. Mari Cordes and other local lawmakers, now he faces criminal charges.

Letter to the editor: Scott must tone down rhetoric

In times like these, when everyone is feeling pressure and stress, it is especially important that we all come together to solve problems and support one another across the state.

Police charge Monkton man for allegedly threatening Rep. Cordes

A Monkton man is facing charges after allegedly leaving a threatening voicemail for a Bristol lawmaker two days after the Legislature overrode Gov. Scott’s vetoes.

Bristol area returns its state reps to Montpelier

Democratic incumbents Caleb Elder of Starksboro and Mari Cordes of Lincoln were re-elected on Tuesday and will keep their Vermont House seats representing the Addison-4 district.

Letter to the editor: Vote ‘yes’ on Proposition 5

I’ve been a Vermont nurse for 35 years and have worked in three Vermont hospitals.

Letter to the editor: County legislative team endorses Becca Balint

We have personal experience working with Becca in the Legislature; we have seen her listen to multiple viewpoints to understand, collaborate with others to move legislation forward, and tackle tough issues head on.

Letter to the editor: Copland Hanzas earns support

We support Sarah Copland Hanzas for Secretary of State because of her values, her integrity, and her hard work to support democratic principles and the environment.

Letter to the editor: Why Lincoln wants to withdraw from MAUSD

State Rep. in favor of Lincoln leaving the Mount Abraham school district.

Letter to the editor: Cordes grateful, pitches survey

Thank you for choosing me — again — to represent you in the Vermont Statehouse. I have been humbled and honored to walk alongside you as we helped each other through the pandemic. I am proud of the work that our state legislature has done to support famil … (read more)