‘Bird Diva’ offers talk at Ilsley

Bridget Butler, also known as the Bird Diva, will be at Ilsley Public Library on Wednesday, March 29 at 6 p.m. to share her path to creating Slow Birding.

Addy Indy editor pitches local news story

As part of their spring 2023 speaker series, the Middlebury the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and Ilsley Public Library are hosting a presentation by Addison Independent news editor John McCright on Tuesday evening, Feb. 21, at 7 p.m., i … (read more)

Ilsley opens local artist’s first Crayola marker exhibit

MIDDLEBURY – The first open show of 72-year-old Bob Crosby’s art went up at the Ilsley Library on Sept. 1 and will be on view through the end of the month.“I’m excited…I want to do something good for people,” Crosby said.His medium is both out of the norm … (read more)

Enter the Photo Art Challenge at Ilsley

MIDDLEBURY — Ilsley Public Library is holding a Photo Art Challenge from now until Feb. 14. The contest has three challenges and three chances to win. Winners will have their work printed and mounted by the library for an exhibit in its lobby in March 202 … (read more)

Ilsley Library makes preparations to go fine-free

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury’s Ilsley Public Library will soon join its Addison County counterparts in going fine free, in part to remove a potential financial barrier that might exist for some local residents in getting their hands on literacy materials. “It’ … (read more)

Backpacker to give advice for hiking adventures

MIDDLEBURY — What if you were walking along a trail and thought for a just a moment you could hear voices from the past? Voices of people shouting, bantering and cursing as they struggled under their heavy loads. They were people who were following their … (read more)

Ilsley program to focus on Scandinavia’s approach to climate change

MIDDLEBURY — How are Scandinavia and Iceland confronting the challenges of climate change? Is there something about the culture or political structure that has put them at the forefront of efforts to reduce human impact on the climate? Learn the answers i … (read more)

Make comics with author Ben Cohen in Middlebury

MIDDLEBURY — For over 25 years, Ben Cohen has been a cartoonist and educator. Born in Boulder, Colo., raised in the California Bay Area, trained in Savannah, Ga., and parenting in Jericho, Vt. His work focuses on an intersection where comics have been fir … (read more)

An Orwell writer enlists local artists in her exploration of alcoholism, recovery

ORWELL — Emily Casey didn’t always like essays. “I had always thought of essays as boring, nature stories… that just didn’t appeal to me,” she said in a conversation last week. “But when I was in college other people were really pushing the boundaries of … (read more)

Author of ‘Vermont Wild’ comes to Ilsley

MIDDLEBURY — Megan Price will read from and discuss her latest collection, “Vermont Wild, Adventures of Fish & Game Wardens, Volume Six,” on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 1-2:30 p.m. at the Ilsley Library in Middlebury. The talk is free and open to the public. … (read more)

Immigration talk set at the Ilsley for Nov. 6

MIDDLEBURY — Suzanne Brown, retired Visiting Assistant Professor at Dartmouth College, will be at Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury on Wednesday, Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. to give a Vermont Humanities Council talk entitled “Immigration Restrictions Then and Now: … (read more)

Brain-body-behavior talk at Ilsley

MIDDLEBURY — The American Association of University Women is sponsoring a presentation at Ilsley Library on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m., by Middlebury pediatrician Jody Brakeley, M.D. Brakeley will speak on “The Brain-Body-Behavior Connection: The Foundat … (read more)

Advanced robot Bina48 to visit Ilsley Library

MIDDLEBURY — Addison County Retired Educators will host Bruce Duncan and Bina48 at the Ilsley Library on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 10:30 a.m.  Bruce is responsible for the ongoing development of Bina48, the world’s first advanced humanoid robot based on the “ … (read more)

Storytellers to gather in Middlebury on Sept. 8

MIDDLEBURY — StoryMatters, the storytelling group that meets regularly at Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury, will host another event next month. “A Story Teller’s Gathering” will take place on Monday, Sept. 9, at 4 p.m. in Ilsley Library’s Community Roo … (read more)

Here’s what’s planned at Ilsley Library

Here at the Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury we have a new adult services librarian, Renee Ursitti, who is working with Chris Kirby on planning adult programs. As a result, we have a few really exciting programs coming up this fall. We have lots of goo … (read more)