Trash disposal costs are going up — a bit

Addison County residents can expect to pay a little bit more to get rid of their trash next year — a very little bit.

New option for trash and recycling disposal

Your stinky trash is piling up in your garage and you missed that one, three-hour opportunity every one or two weeks when a hauler is parked at your community’s designated drop-off location to collect rubbish and recyclables.

New Haven to host waste transfer station

The Addison County Solid Waste Management District (ACSWMD) has purchased land in New Haven that will host a new regional transfer station where folks will be able to bring their residential trash, recyclables and, eventually, household hazardous waste.

E-Waste drop-off in Middlebury

Officials at the Addison County Solid Waste Management District note that advancing technology is spawning new electronic gadgets that invariably make their way into the county’s transfer station off Route 7 South in Middlebury.

Less waste going into our landfills

MIDDLEBURY — Addison County residents are preventing almost 60% of their waste from ending up in landfills, as they continue to embrace reusing, recycling and composting.That’s one of the major takeaways from the Addison County Solid Waste Management Dist … (read more)

Asphalt shingles, drywall fair game for recycling

MIDDLEBURY — Addison County Solid Waste Management District is now accepting asphalt shingles and new drywall scraps for recycling at its Transfer Station in Middlebury. This new program allows community members and contractors to bring in new or used asp … (read more)

Transfer station to accept residential trash next week

MIDDLEBURY — The Addison County Solid Waste Management District Transfer Station on Route 7 South in Middlebury is reopening on Monday, May 18, to residential traffic, Middlebury Emergency Management Director Tom Hanley reported in is daily bulletin on Th … (read more)

Waste district clarifies July composting regulations

ADDISON COUNTY — Our Jan. 6 story about business composting and Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law inspired some feedback and questions from Addison County Solid Waste Management District residents.  ACSWMD’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jessie-Ruth Corkins … (read more)

Solid waste budget reflects 9.3% bump

MIDDLEBURY — The surging costs of recycling and a rise in employee health insurance costs are the major reasons for the 9.3-percent increase reflected in a proposed 2020 Addison County Solid Waste Management District (ACSWMD) budget. The trash district pl … (read more)

Do you know what can and cannot be recycled?

MIDDLEBURY — Addison County Solid Waste Management District is thanking people who stop by the District Transfer Station off Route 7 in Middlebury to recycle their plastic bags and film plastic. Since this program’s beginning nine months ago, the district … (read more)