
LEOs’ project aids injured raptors

SOME OF THE LEOS, their Lions Club Sponsors and the owners of the Otter Creek Wildlife Refuge in Addison where the LEOs and Lions volunteered on a major project this summer pose for a group photo. Pictured are, front left, Lion Eric Jacobson; front row, volunteer Philip Turner and refuge co-owner Julianna Parker; middle row, refuge co-owner Dale Whitlock, Lion Mason Charlebois, LEO Wilder Jacobson, and club director Cookie Steponaitis; and back row with hats, LEO Collin Clair and Lion Chris Clair. Photo courtesy of Cookie Steponaitis

Late last month the Vergennes LEOs Club completed — with plenty of help from Vergennes Lions Club volunteering time and expertise and community businesses’ support — its major project for the school year. The LEOs, a community service youth club sponsored by the Vergennes Lions, designed, raised funds for, and built a flight cage for injured birds at the Otter Creek Wildlife Refuge in Addison.

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