Letter to the editor: Addison-2 constituents well-served by Conlon
I write to endorse Peter Conlon for re-election to the Vermont House and encourage voters in Ripton, Cornwall, Goshen, Salisbury and Leicester to cast a vote for him on August 9. We have known Peter for many years as a fellow member of our faith community and having served with him on several boards. A native Vermonter and lifelong public servant, Peter knows and cares deeply about the lives and concerns of his constituents.
Previously a local news editor and dairy labor specialist, who now operates his own move management company (whose primary clients are aging Vermonters in transition) and is a member of the Cornwall Volunteer Fire Department, Peter understands first-hand the challenges faced by Vermonters of all backgrounds and perspectives.
Always hopeful about a bright future for Vermont, Peter nonetheless brings a pragmatic, solutions-oriented approach to the Statehouse, and has represented our district with distinction. While Peter has served on the Education Committee, we have been impressed with his support of environmental initiatives, including:
- Expanding the Current Use Program to include so-called reserve forests, recognizing the value of wild forests to both wildlife and carbon sequestration.
- The Global Warming Solutions Act and the Clean Heat Standard bill that would encourage the state’s fossil fuel dealers to pivot to cleaner solutions.
- Approving $80 million to fund home weatherization and efficiency improvements, supporting transportation initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, and funding increases to help build the work force to make this happen.
- Act 250 reform measures that would diminish forest fragmentation and preserve larger blocks of forest while also encouraging development in appropriate areas.
In addition, Peter this year sponsored H.581 relating to rural economic development; H.134, relating to paid family and medical leave insurance; and H.171, relating to the funding and governance of Vermont’s childcare system, as just a few examples.
Voters in Addison-2 will continue to be well served by Peter Conlon in the Vermont Statehouse.
Amy McGlashan
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