Letter to the editor: Scott must tone down rhetoric

In times like these, when everyone is feeling pressure and stress, it is especially important that we all come together to solve problems and support one another across the state.

Opinion: School boards have done their jobs, now pass school budgets

Three school districts serving students from Addison County will soon revote budgets. Mount Abe, Slate Valley and Otter Valley budgets deserve to pass.

Letter to the editor: Hanley a model police leader

Not many towns or cities in the United States get the benefit of 30 years from a police chief, and especially one who so embodies the “protect and serve” philosophy, with a heavy emphasis on the “serve” part.

Legislative Review: PCB remediation plan needs funds

The recent news that Vermont’s Attorney General has filed suit against Monsanto for its sale of PCB-containing materials is an important step to hopefully recoup what is on track to be tens of millions of dollars — perhaps hundreds of millions — to fund t … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Whelan-Wuest & Buck earn Conlon’s support

I was thrilled when Ellen stepped forward to replace me on the board, both in the appointment to fill the vacancy and to run for the election in March.

Local lawmakers helm five committees

Addison County lawmakers will wield significant influence in shaping the state’s legislative agenda for the next two years, as our local delegation has snagged three committee chairmanships in the House and two in the Senate.

Letter to the editor: Conlon reflects on his time on the ACSD board

It was with mixed feelings that I resigned last week from the Addison Central School District board.

Rep. Conlon leaves ACSD board to head committee

State Rep. Peter Conlon, D-Cornwall, is stepping down from his local school board in order to play a bigger role in shaping statewide educational policy.

Two advance in uncontested races

Voters in two local Vermont House districts had only one name on their ballot, and in both cases those candidates — unsurprisingly — won.

Rep. Conlon retains his Addison-2 House seat

Incumbent Rep. Peter Conlon has won the Democratic primary for the Addison-2 Vermont House district after ballots were counted on Tuesday.

Letter: Conlon has shown he deserves our vote

You learn a lot about a guy when you play hockey with him for 20 years. Here’s what I’ve learned about my friend Peter Conlon. He’s a steady defender, he scores when the opportunity’s there, and he’s a locker-room leader, managing our Friday Night Hockey … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Conlon has earned trust

I trust Peter Conlon. I know him to be a person of integrity and concern for others in his personal, professional and political lives.

Letter to the editor: County legislative team endorses Becca Balint

We have personal experience working with Becca in the Legislature; we have seen her listen to multiple viewpoints to understand, collaborate with others to move legislation forward, and tackle tough issues head on.

Letter to the editor: Addison-2 constituents well-served by Conlon

A native Vermonter and lifelong public servant, Peter knows and cares deeply about the lives and concerns of his constituents.

Letter to the editor: Copland Hanzas earns support

We support Sarah Copland Hanzas for Secretary of State because of her values, her integrity, and her hard work to support democratic principles and the environment.