
Letter to the editor: Delia-Lôbo heartily endorsed

I write to enthusiastically support Matt Delia-Lôbo’s campaign for Middlebury selectboard.

With the rail and bridge construction project behind us, it’s time for Middlebury to look forward, and to address long-ignored problems that have been holding us back from reaching our potential as a community blessed with many resources.

As a downtown business owner, as a family man, and as a multiracial Vermonter, Matt has a keen understanding of the issues facing Middlebury’s leaders in the years ahead: that we must redouble our efforts toward becoming a more welcoming community to the diverse population drawn by our anchor employers; we need to encourage a thriving downtown, with businesses that reflect the needs and wants of today’s consumers; and we desperately need to encourage more housing — across every level of affordability.

I’ll be filling in the ovals for Matt Delia-Lôbo and Esther Thomas on my Town Meeting Day ballot — and I hope you will, too!

Dave Silberman


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