
Bow and muzzleloader hunters bag lots of deer

LINCOLN RESIDENT CAROLYN Brown shot this 169-pound, 7-point buck during opening weekend of rifle season, using a rifle that belonged to her grandmother. It was her first deer. Counting bow, archery, youth/novice and rifle seasons, overall local deer hunters are doing well.
Photo courtesy of Lincoln General Store

ADDISON COUNTY — Local hunters once again in 2021 took advantage of the Department of Fish & Wildlife’s October-November archery and October muzzleloader seasons, bringing in 269 deer to be weighed at one of Addison County’s seven wildlife reporting stations.

That combined bow/muzzleloader take was part of an overall solid start for deer hunters this fall. As of the end of the opening weekend of the 16-day rifle season (Nov. 14) hunters had taken 595 deer to be weighed at Addison County’s weigh stations.

That number includes 203 bucks taken the opening weekend of rifle season; the 121 brought down during Youth and Novice Hunting Weekend on Oct. 23 and 24, 202 deer killed in the first portion of the bow season (Oct. 1 to Nov. 12), and 67 taken on the first portion of the muzzleloader season (Oct. 28-31).

Still remaining to add to the county total are the final 14 days of rifle season, the muzzleloader season that will run from Dec. 4 to 12, and the remainder of the archery season, which runs from Nov. 29 to Dec. 15. Look here for updates after the end of the rifle season.

It looks likely the county’s final numbers will not approach the 2020 all-season record of 1,745 deer taken, but hunters could make a collective run at 2019’s second-best count of 1,324.

To an extent, the county’s combined bow/muzzleloader take defied experts’ statewide expectations, which according to department Deer Project Leader Nick Fortin were modest due to mild temperatures and plentiful food.

“Archery and the early muzzleloader season will be down considerably from 2020,” Fortin wrote in a Nov. 12 email. “Some of that is probably pandemic-related (fewer hunters with less free time), but the warm weather and abundant fall foods (apples, acorns, beechnuts) haven’t helped either. The deer didn’t want to move, and they didn’t have to.”

During the first part of archery season the only deer shot in the county over 200 pounds and weighed locally was Taylor Patterson’s 205-pound, 6-point buck, which he killed in Shoreham and took to Buxton’s Store in Orwell.

Another 200-pounder was taken north of the county line in Shelburne and then taken to Rack ’N Reel in New Haven: Brian Latulippe shot a 219-pound, 8-point buck there.

Kelley Barrows shot the largest doe weighed in the county in many a year — a 199-pounder brought down in Addison and taken to West Addison General Store.

Also notable were a 195-pound buck with a nice 8-point rack that Brian Webb shot in Ripton and reported to Vermont Field Sports in Middlebury, and Tyler Wilson’s 195-pound, 7-point puck that he shot in Orwell and took to Buxton’s Store.

Two bucks killed had 10-point racks, a 175-pounder that Kaleb Roberts brought down in Bridport and had weighed at West Addison General Store, and a 165-pounder that Barry Delphia bagged in Brandon and weighed at Buxton’s.

The following hunters shot deer in the first half of archery season or the four-day muzzleloader season (if possible based on information from weigh stations that distinction is made) and reported to those four stations or Lincoln General Store, C&S Hunting Supplies in East Middlebury, or Green Mountain Trails End in Bristol. Deer are listed by town of kill, pounds if females or fawns, and by pounds and points if bucks.


MUZZLELOADER: Jeffrey Fortune, Ferrisburgh, doe 80; Donald Sisters, Ferrisburgh, doe 133; Rusty Conant, Shoreham, doe 122; Tyler Hebert, Ferrisburgh, doe 91; Hunter Pizzagalli, Charlotte, doe 106; Isaac Preston, Ferrisburgh, doe 125; Scott Brace, Ferrisburgh, doe 97; Dale Boisvert, Weybridge, female 64; Marcie Delibac, Waitsfield, doe 118; and Charles Paolantonio, Charlotte, doe 107.

Also, Francis Trombley, Ferrisburgh, doe 120; Craig Newton, Waltham, doe 90; Cory Jennings, Ferrisburgh, doe 132; Joseph Fortune, Ferrisburgh, doe 102; Michael Winslow, Pittsford, doe 112; Lucas Smith, New Haven, doe 136; Codey Corse, Starksboro, doe 120; Ben Freund, New Haven, male 68; Toddy Huestis, Ferrisburgh, doe 140; and Josh Roscoe, Bristol, doe 131.

BOW: Mathew Badger, Monkton, doe 108; Daryl Tribou, Addison, buck 174-8; Leon Demers, New Haven, doe 102; Seth Bourn, Ferrisburgh, doe 103; Chelsea Ouellette, Ferrisburgh, doe 103; Erin Dalley, New Haven, doe 119 and doe 88; Stephen Davis, New Haven, doe 131; Jon Boise, New Haven, doe 108; Brendon Huestis, Addison, buck 102-4; and Michael Bunstein, New Haven, buck 130-7.

Also, Kyle Charron, Ferrisburgh, doe 71; Jason Miller, Shelburne, buck 195-8; Jeremy Francis, Bridport, doe 136; Trevor Lear, New Haven, male 55; Dean Ouellette, Weybridge, doe 105; Cody Spiegel, Charlotte, doe 134; Jerad Gorton, New Haven, 106 doe; Luc Charlebois, New Haven, doe 95; Jeremy Lattrell, Shelburne, buck 142-4; and Keith Betourney, Bridport, buck 110-4.

Also, Leon Demers, New Haven, doe 104; James Choiniere, Panton, buck 166-8; Christien Paquin, Panton, doe 110; Erik Carruth, Cornwall, doe 116; Timothy Davis, Addison, female 68; Frank Raymond, Addison, doe 114; Michael Collette, Addison, doe 131; James Danyow, Ferrisburgh doe 107; Steven Crosby, Ferrisburgh, buck 170-7; Kevin Kayhart, Waltham, doe 113; and Lyman Gaudette, Shelburne, doe 103.

Also, Timothy Flynn, Waltham, buck 120-4; Corey Hutchins, Ferrisburgh, 124-7; Patrick Needham, New Haven, buck 138-6; Brian Peters, Waitsfield, doe 123; Dewey Barrows, Ferrisburgh, doe 134; Matthew Holland, Bristol, buck 162-9; Jacob Hoag, Monkton, buck 160-5; Denis White, Monkton, buck 133-5; Adam Gorton, Middlebury, buck 159-5; and Calvin Stone, New Haven, doe 128.

Also, Franklin Loven, Monkton, doe 93; Eric Bingham, Middlebury, buck 164-8; Andrew Raymond, Ferrisburgh, buck 154-6; Joseph Trombley, Grand Isle, buck 115-1; Randy Poquette, Middlebury, male 76; Jonathan Pinnell, Monkton, doe 98; Bradley McGarghan, Warren, doe 133; Rogan Jackman, Ferrisburgh, doe 122; Brian Morin, New Haven, doe 116; and Eric Rossier, Ferrisburgh, buck 135-5.

Also, Brian Peters, Waitsfield, 97 doe; Benjamin Newkirk, Lincoln, buck 107-2; Craig Newton, Waltham, doe 109; Lyman Gaudette, Shelburne, doe 107; Charles Johnson, Charlotte, doe 105; Brian Peters, Fayston, buck 161-6; Mark Beauchemin, Addison, buck 151-6; John Mlcuch, New Haven, doe 108; Nathan Nimblett, Panton, doe 98; Lee Lapell, Benson, buck 193-6; and Jeremy Jennings, New Haven, female 68.

Also, Christopher Melendy, Bridport, doe 105; Brian Peters, Waitsfield, doe 112; Richard Kemp, Middlebury, male 63; Ryan Zeno, Bristol, doe 98; Brian Latulippe, Shelburne, buck 219-8; James Danyow, Ferrisburgh, doe 116; Tucker Davis, Newbury, 147-7; Joseph Bell, Waltham, doe 125; Michael Bingham, Middlebury, doe 103; and Dylan Raymond, Ferrisburgh, doe 105.

Also, Matt Huizenga, Monkton, doe 110; Denis White, Monkton, doe 105; Pierre Collette, Waltham, buck 98-3; Kelley Barrows, Ferrisburgh, doe 109; John Peck, Ripton, doe 98; Paul Deering, Bridport, doe 113; Matthew Hunter, Hinesburg, female 70; Joseph Lefebvre, Bristol, male 59; Steven Crosby, Ferrisburgh, doe 98; Joshua Paquette, Addison, doe 105; and Michael Crosby, Ferrisburgh, doe 114.

Also, Adam Paquin, Panton, doe 102; William Geehan, Lincoln, doe 102; Brooke Perlee, New Haven, buck 138-7; Brian Baillargeon, Lincoln, female 64; Kim Goodell, New Haven, buck 115-4; Eugene Bradford, Ferrisburgh, doe 109; Randy Butler, New Haven, buck 138-8; Charles Paolantonio, Monkton, buck 113-8; and Joseph Fortune, Ferrisburgh, doe 80.


MUZZLELOADER: Brendon Huestis, Bridport, doe 143; Terry Aldrich, Cornwall doe 120; Israel Dwire, Salisbury, doe 119; Carter Leggett, Bridport, doe 119; Andrew Recupero, Shoreham, doe 116; Kaleb Shepard, Addison, doe 114; Darren Ouellette, Shoreham, doe 110; and Anthony Rochon, Middlebury, doe 105.

Also, Tyler Hotte, Bridport, doe 104; Jordan Stearns, Middlebury, doe 100; Jared Hubbell, New Haven, doe 100; Gary Whitman, Ripton, doe 91; Jesse Otis, New Haven, doe 89; Calvin Loven, Middlebury, doe 82; Troy Lapell, Middlebury, doe 76; and Levi Whitney, Shoreham, male 57.

BOW: Brian Webb, Ripton, buck, 195-8; David Wimett, Brandon, buck 187-9; Lester Little, Ferrisburgh, buck 150-8; Avery Gale, Salisbury, buck 150-4; Darcy Trudeau, Salisbury, buck 138-6; Tyler Pockette, Salisbury, buck 135-3; Shane Ellis, Leicester, buck 135-8; Kevin Carter, Middlebury, buck 130-5; Charles Desjadon, Salisbury, buck 126-4; and Terry Aldrich, Cornwall, doe 120.

Also, Terrence Ferson, Leicester, buck 116-5; Juan Gonzalez, Shoreham, doe 116; Thomas Huestis, Weybridge, doe 115; Gregory Gearwar, Brandon, doe 111; Nicholas O’Keefe, Middlebury, doe 110; Vera Bergeron, Shoreham, doe 109; Justin Maheu, Salisbury, doe 108; Jesse Otis, Cornwall, doe 106; Kevin Carter, Bridport, doe 105; David Dupoise, Ripton, doe 105; and Shane Ellis, Leicester, doe 103.

Also, Stephen Martell, Bristol, doe 100; Ethan Ploof, Salisbury, doe 100; Chad Zeno, New Haven, doe 100; Joshua Litch Jr., Ripton, doe 100; Patrick Irish, Addison, doe 97; Kaleb Shepard, Orwell, buck 96-4; Sarah Lathrop, Middlebury, doe 95; Nicholas Ouellette, Bridport, doe 90; Thatcher Trudeau, Salisbury, doe 88; and John Lucia, New Haven, doe 85.


MUZZLELOADER: Avery Austin, Shoreham, doe 110; Justin Hall, Orwell, doe 125; James McCray, Shoreham, doe 120; Therran Leggett, Orwell, doe 106; Matt Bourgeois, Cornwall, doe 110; Arayia Leggett, Orwell, doe 121; Tim Little, Orwell, doe 110; and Brody Little, Orwell, doe 125.

BOW: Sarah Washburn, Orwell, doe 105 and doe 117; Jason D’Avignon, Orwell, doe 120; Ryden Richardson, Shoreham, doe 110; Therran Leggett, Orwell, doe 138; Tyler Pope, Orwell, buck 165-8; Cody Steele, Cornwall, doe 104; George Wigginton, Cornwall, doe 97; Alan Christian, Orwell, doe 124; Del Frazier, Orwell, doe 121; and Jonathan Alger, Shoreham, doe 94.

Also, Dom Forcier, West Haven, buck 145-4; Chris Mongeur, Shoreham, doe 147; Glenn Telgen, Shoreham, buck 135-6; Wyatt Forbes, Orwell, doe 116; Tim Smith, Orwell, doe 116; Elizabeth Herriman, Middlebury, doe 95; Warren Ringey, Shoreham, buck 130-3; Chris Ringey, Orwell, doe 103; Tyler Wilson, Orwell, buck 195-7; Kyle Palmer, Sudbury, doe 97; and Matthew Bourgeois, Whiting, doe 105 and doe 98.

Also, Dan Ellis, Panton, doe 145; Taylor Patterson, Shoreham, buck 205-6; Casey Fyles, Shoreham, buck 147-6; Trey Lee, Benson, doe 106; George Gosselin, Shoreham, buck 182-5; Barry Delphia, Brandon, buck 165-10; Chris Hanson, Orwell, buck 173-8; and Paul Gosselin, Orwell, doe 121.


MUZZLELOADER: Ben Shepard, Lincoln, doe 116; Jesse Larock, Starksboro, doe 135; Lawrence Masterson, Ripton, doe 119; Kirk Naser, Lincoln, doe 95; and Brian St. Cyr, Ferrisburgh, female 80.

BOW: Dominic Saunders, Bristol, buck 150-8; Edward Lafayette, Lincoln, doe 114; Robert Wener, Sudbury, doe 99; Francis Jennings, Starksboro, doe 99; Joey Mashia, Starksboro, doe 115; Joseph Russell, Lincoln, doe 113; Roger Reginaud, New Haven, doe 106; Kirk Naser, Lincoln, doe 89; David Little, Huntington, doe 117; Nathan Perry, Lincoln, doe 108; Josh Cousino, Lincoln, spikehorn buck 121; Lauren Urban, Lincoln, doe 122; Edward Lafayette, Lincoln, doe 118; and Gavin Conrad, Bristol, buck 175-8.


Kyle Charron, Ferrisburgh, fawn 70; Peter DeVries, Addison, doe 127; Nathan Thompson, Bridport, buck 177-3; Kaleb Roberts, Bridport, buck, 175-10; Kenneth Sullivan, Panton, doe 125; Maxwell Flynn, Ferrisburgh, fawn 59; Michael Johnston, Addison, buck 139; Casey Babcock, Addison, buck 134-7; Brent Perkins, Addison, buck 175-6; and Maxwell Flynn, Panton, doe 115.

Also, Christopher Davis, Shoreham, buck, 146-6; Daniel Bushey, Starksboro, doe 101; Carl Kaufmann, Addison, fawn 63; Kelley Barrows, Addison, doe 199; Andrew Warren, Bridport, doe 130; Charles Ringer, Panton, doe 130; Michael Quesnel, Bridport, doe 138; and Isaac Preston, Panton, 129-4.


Robert Cameron, Salisbury, doe 89; Matthew McQuire, New Haven, buck 158-8; Michael Ash, Middlebury, buck 121-6; Michael Tatro, Bristol, buck, 111-2; Colin Foster, Middlebury, doe 100; and Toby Rheaume, Salisbury, doe 127.


MUZZLELOADER: Martin Landon, Weybridge, doe 117; William Kimball, Weybridge, doe 138; Trevor Conant, Starksboro, doe 78; Pete Moyer, Bristol, doe 102; and Joshua Fitzgerald, Bristol, doe 93.

BOW: Charles Johnson, Charlotte, doe 103; Wilbert Clark, Lincoln, buck 96-3; Brian Ramsey, Lincoln, doe 95; Joshua Litch Jr., Weybridge, doe 105; Daniel Briggs, Lincoln, buck 108-3; Nathaniel Perry, Lincoln, female 60; Geoffrey Booth, Lincoln, doe 116; Kirk Roscoe, Lincoln, buck 105-3; Kyle Bedell, Williston, buck 152-7; Eric Jipner, New Haven, female 60.

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