Letter to the editor: GOP hopefuls dot 2020 ballot
It is an exciting election cycle this year in Vermont.
Not only is it easier to cast your vote, but also, while in previous most years candidates have run for legislature uncontested, this election cycle we have Republicans running against Democrat/Progressive incumbents statewide.
We now have options for people seeking representation that limits government, protects our freedoms, supports the autonomy of businesses and families, upholds virtuous values, and opposes increasing taxes. There are 150 seats in the Vermont House of Representatives and 30 seats in the Senate. Statewide, there are 98 Republican candidates running for House of Representatives and 28 Republicans running for Senate. Currently we have only 8 Republican Senators and 44 Republican Representatives, resulting in unbalanced, uncompromising legislative outcomes.
In Addision-4 district (Monkton, Bristol, Lincoln, Starksboro), we have two seats to fill with Republicans Lynn Dike and Valerie Mullin running for Vermont House of Representatives. In Addison-1 (Middlebury), we have Thomas Hughes running to fill one of two seats. In Addison-3 (Addison, Ferrisburgh, Panton, Vergennes, Waltham – two seats) we have Tim Buskey and Steve Thurston. Addison-5 (Bridport, New Haven, Weybridge – one seat), Harvey T. Smith. Orange-Washington-Addison, Joseph Roche and Charles Russell.
For Addison County Senate seats, we have Republicans Peter Briggs and Jon Christiano running against Democrat incumbents.
We have Republican incumbent Phil Scott running for Governor; Scott Milne for Lt. Governor; H. Brooke Paige for Attorney General and Secretary of State; Carolyn Whitney Branagan for State Treasurer; and Republican Miriam Berry for Representative to U.S. Congress.
You can find a complete list of statewide GOP candidates for the Nov. 3 general election by visiting Guy Page’s Vermont Daily Chronicle or at the following web link: tinyurl.com/VT-Repub-Ballot.
Voting at the polls can be intimidating the first time, but with mail-in voting, it’s easy and private. While Vermonters have had the option to apply for an absentee ballot for any reason, for the general election on Nov. 3, a ballot will automatically be mailed to you (ballots will be mailed beginning Sept. 18), and you can take your time researching the candidates online before filling out your ballot. Make sure to mail your ballot no later than Friday, Oct. 23, to allow seven full business days for the ballot to arrive by Nov. 3 or deliver in person to your town clerk. There is no need to try to make it to the polls before or after a long day at work.
In addition, many people are unaware that they do not have to fill out the entire ballot. If you are unsure of whom to vote for an office or do not like any of the choices, you can choose to not vote for anyone. Your ballot will not be disqualified if you leave blanks.
State elections are far more important to state outcomes than federal elections. There are more conservatives and moderates in our state than Progressives and Democrats, yet our current legislature does not reflect this because we have not had many options in the recent past.
The largest segment of the population that does not vote is males ages 18-35. Anyone who knows someone in that demographic, please encourage and guide them on how to register and VOTE!
Renee McGuinness
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