Letter to the editor: McGuinness earns support

I am endorsing Republican Renee McGuinness for state representative in Addison District-4. Renee will be a hard-working public servant who will represent her district with passion and integrity.

Candidate Q&A: Renee McGuinness, Republican, Addison-4

I agree with Gov- Phil Scott’s top three priorities in the upcoming biennium: affordability, public safety, and housing, and will collaborate with the governor and my colleagues in the legislature on these issues.

McGuinness promises to be strong advocate for families

Monkton Republican Renee McGuinness knows the Vermont Statehouse well, having testified there on a variety of legislation on behalf of the Vermont Family Alliance, a non-profit advocacy organization that, among other things, tracks “current and proposed p … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Article 22 on reproductive rights was misleading

Under Article 22 of the Vermont Constitution, Vermonters may be required to pay for medical procedures related to reproductive choice through increases in health insurance premiums.

Community Forum: Heyer presented truth with love

Walt Heyer, de-transitioner and international speaker on the risks and complications of so-called “gender-affirming care,” presented truth with love at Vergennes Union High School last week that pierced through rhetoric from individuals, organizations and … (read more)

Letter to the editor: GOP hopefuls dot 2020 ballot

It is an exciting election cycle this year in Vermont. Not only is it easier to cast your vote, but also, while in previous most years candidates have run for legislature uncontested, this election cycle we have Republicans running against Democrat/Progre … (read more)