Middlebury Police Log: Man cited with aggravated domestic assault
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Urban Landon, 32, of Lincoln for first-degree aggravated domestic assault and interference with access to emergency services, after a report of a person striking a woman in the Maple Street area on July 4 at 6:44 p.m. Police said Landon was lodged at the Marble Valley Correctional Facility pending his arraignment in Addison Superior Court on July 8.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
•Investigation the alleged theft of a wallet from an unlocked car on Mary Hogan Drive, near the town’s recreation park on July 2.
•Checked on the welfare of a man who had hinted at self-harm in a Facebook message on July 2. Police said they found the man in good spirits and added he reported no plans to harm himself.
•Helped defuse a verbal dispute between a man and woman on Main Street on July 2.
•Responded to a report of an out-of-control juvenile at a Sugarwood Court home on July 3.
•Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS in helping a woman who had fallen and cut her head on Court Street on July 3. MREMS officials took the woman to Porter Hospital.
•Arrested Arlo Mager, 44, of Middlebury and cited him for violation of an abuse prevention order, following an alleged incident at the Frank Mahady Courthouse on July 3.
•Assisted Vermont State Police with a report of an out-of-control person on the Leicester Whiting Road on July 4.
•Checked on the welfare of a man seen laying in the sun on the town green during the afternoon of July 4. Police said the man was intoxicated, and declined assistance.
•Took home a man found drinking alcohol at the side of Exchange Street during the early afternoon of July 5.
•Released, into the custody of sober friends, an intoxicated man who had been hanging out near the Rite Aid Pharmacy off Court Street Extension on July 5.
•Investigated a reported domestic disturbance at a Route 7 North home on July 5. Police said they couldn’t determine whether a physical fight had occurred.
•Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a patient at the Residence at Otter Creek on July 5.
•Checked into a complaint of illegal dumping into a Route 7 South business’s trash receptacle on July 5.
•Responded to a report of a woman who had allegedly been yelling and removing her clothing near a College Street business on July 5. Police said they served the woman with a no-trespass order for Shafer’s Market & Deli.
•Checked the welfare of an elderly person at a Stonegate Drive residence on July 6.
•Launched an investigation into the potential abuse/neglect of a local vulnerable adult on July 6.
•Assisted in removing a tree limb that was blocking part of Route 125 in East Middlebury on July 6.
•Responded on July 6 to a report of a fight in front of Two Brothers Tavern on Main Street on July 6. When police arrived on the scene they said they found the people involved to be calm and leaving with sober friends.
•Responded to an alleged domestic disturbance at a North Pleasant Street home on July 7. Police said they found no signs that a fight had occurred.
•Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS on a medical call at a Chipman Park home on July 7.
•Checked on the welfare of a man who had been sleeping on a park bench on the town green on July 7 at 4:11 p.m.
•Investigated a report of a vehicle leaving the scene of an accident on Court Street Extension on July 7.
•Responded to Court Street on July 7 on a report of a woman having a mental health crisis.
•Received a report that a manhole cover was missing from a Frog Hollow Alley location on July 7. Police said they made sure the cover was replaced.
•Responded to a report of a woman screaming near the intersection of Main Street and Merchants Row during the early morning of July 7. Police believed the woman was having a mental health crisis.
•Checked on a homeless person who was seen talking to herself — sometimes in a loud voce — on the steps of the Frank Mahady Courthouse on July 8. Police said the woman reported being OK.
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