Editorial: If students focused their protests, they could have the world behind them

If others aren’t going to protest America’s support of Israel through its billions in cash and tens of thousands of bombs that have reduced wide swaths of Gaza to rubble, campus protests have a role to play — and at the very least have succeeded in making the issue a top priority in today’s politics.

Community Forum: The new and ‘improved’ CLA

The current plan to reform the notorious CLA — common level of appraisal — looks a lot like Nixon’s blanket. It doesn’t actually change how things work, it just makes them look a little better to the public.

Living Together: Homelessness has many impacts

During my short time working at the Middlebury Office of the Vermont Department of Health, much of my exposure to homelessness has focused on what is most visible — what I see downtown, what I hear of disruptions, what urgent issues are discussed at meeti … (read more)

Ways of Seeing: The irony of policing college students

I have been pondering the relationship between policing and teaching. Initially, one might not see the two as related, but they really are quite intertwined.

Poetry: Make myself remember

I have to make myself remember/ The skillful fingers that used to push/ A needle through calico layers/ Making the tiniest stitches/ Intricate, patient designs/ Around the square of a quilt/ In her lap

Letter to the editor: A big shout-out to ECE teachers

As Teacher Appreciation Week approaches in May, I find myself reflecting on the invaluable contributions of our Early Childhood Education teachers here in Addison County.

Letter to the editor: Two issues with school financing

In my view, there are two basic financial problems with Vermont’s Public Education System. First, the cost per pupil is much too high and not sustainable.

Letter to the editor: County fortunate to have abundance of volunteers

The Addison Independent Volunteer section every spring is always so enjoyable to read — to see how many people are out there giving their time to supporting others.

Letter to the editor: Victims’ voices left out of Morley trial story

Having attended the three days of the trial and knowing the six victims from the incident I find the article biased towards Marvin Morley with seemingly no attempt to understand or hear from the victims.

Letter to the editor: Thank you for supporting the Ilsley Library bond

On behalf of the Ilsley Public Library Board of Trustees and the Ilsley 100 Project team, our thanks to the citizens of Middlebury for your vote of confidence in passing the article in Tuesday’s election to fund a portion of the library’s renovation/expan … (read more)

Letter to the editor: It’s time to lower the voting age to 16

I am a grandmother and concerned about the future of democracy for the benefit of my grandchildren and others. I believe we need to lower the voting age to 16.

Letter to the editor: Fill empty space before building new juvenile facility

It’s important for the state of Vermont to have a safe and comfortable facility to treat traumatized juveniles. Addison County and the City of Vergennes may well be the best location for that to occur.

Letter to the editor: Neighborhood thankful for traffic-calming measures

Thanks, and gratitude to our Town’s Officials on behalf of the Greater Buttolph Neighborhood, many of whom have been working for years to ensure the safety of our school children walking and biking to our 3 schools, which are all linked by our neighborhoo … (read more)

Faith Gong: Starlings in the stove

It begins with a faint flutter, like a rustle of paper. Enough to make you stop and listen, wondering if you might have imagined it. 

9-year-old backs Ilsley renovations

Youngster urges Middlebury residents to vote yes on Ilsley Library update because it will be a big improvement at a good price.