
Letter to the editor: It’s time to lower the voting age to 16

I am a grandmother and concerned about the future of democracy for the benefit of my grandchildren and others. I believe we need to lower the voting age to 16.

Studies have shown that only 30% of young people nationwide are registered to vote, but that 86% of that percentage do vote, especially on issues that impact them. Political scientists have found that 16-year-olds are mature enough to inform themselves and make rational voting decisions.

16- and 17-year-olds can drive a car, hold employment, pay taxes, and represent the next generation of leaders. They deserve the right to vote and have their voices heard in our democracy.

Including younger voters in our democracy gives them a tool to hold elected officials accountable for their actions and inaction on issues that directly impact them.

Six jurisdictions in the United States have already lowered the voting age to 16 for some elections, resulting in increased voter turnout with no discernible negative consequences.

Sally Roth


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