Monkton Historical Society wants your input

MONKTON — Officials from the Monkton Museum and Historical Society (MM&HS) said they appreciate the response received to their survey so far on their plan to purchase the 1859 Town Hall. If you haven’t taken the survey, please do. Society President Gill Coates and the rest of his organization want to hear from you. Take the survey online here: There is also a link on the Monkton town website under the “Community” section at the end of the “Monkton Museum and Historical Society” … (read more)

Monkton pitches $1.7M town hall

MONKTON — There’s something charming about the off-balance way that essential stuff persists, stack by stack, in the institutional beige corners of the Monkton Town Office. Red, white and blue binders live on top of copy paper boxes with split cardboard l … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Orwell should own its town hall

In regards to the Orwell Town Hall: The town would be best served if the people in Orwell chose to own the Town Hall, not the school or the Slate Valley School District. Let the townspeople make the very important decisions as to fix the hall up to standa … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Preserve Orwell’s town hall

I was surprised to read in a recent issue of the Independent that the Slate Valley Unified Union School District has plans to demolish the Orwell Town Hall. This seems like a poor way to welcome Orwell into the merged district. The SVUUSD says the Town Ha … (read more)

Orwell Town Hall could be demolished to make way for school addition

ORWELL — Residents of the six towns in the Slate Valley Unified Union School District (SVUUSD) will vote as soon as this coming spring on a massive, $60 million capital improvements bond issue that would, among other things, pay for a new 8,200-square-foo … (read more)