Letter to the editor: Entire state should be grateful for senator’s efforts

Vermonters owe Vermont State Senator Chris Bray a debt of gratitude for his 16 years of service in the Vermont Legislature.

Letter to the editor: Incumbent lawmaker didn’t vote to ‘raise your taxes’

The print, online, and TV media are full of messages stating that Senator Chris Bray “voted to raise your taxes” and that the Affordable Heat Act sponsored by him will result in large increases in fuel bills.

Letter to the editor: Bray has been catalyst for environmental protection

I encourage my Addison County neighbors to vote for our senior State Senator, Chris Bray, in the August 13 primary election.

Letter to the editor: Ilsley project merits support

The library is an amazing regional resource, used by residents of many towns surrounding Middlebury.

Letter to the editor: EVs offer cool summer driving

Here’s good news for electric vehicle drivers who are afraid to use their air conditioning because it might reduce their EV’s driving range

Letter to the editor: Don’t pan the Affordable Heat Act, improve it

At the Legislative Breakfast on March 27, Representative Joe Andriano made a strong statement in opposition to S. 5, the Affordable Heat Act. I hope he can be persuaded to change his position.

Letter to the editor: Sen. Chris Bray deservers your vote

Chris studies the issues that come before the Vermont Senate seriously and deeply, and he is one of Vermont’s most productive legislators.

Letter to the editor: McGill is a good choice for Addison-5 House seat

Jubilee is strongly dedicated to helping the less fortunate in our society through providing more affordable housing, working for racial and climate justice, promoting a livable wage for workers and helping Vermonters to recover from the economic devastat … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Winters will transition smoothly to Sec. of State

As Deputy Secretary of State for the past seven years Chris Winters has worked side by side with Secretary Jim Condos building one of the most secure, accessible, and transparent voting systems in the country.

Letter to the editor: Investing in Career Center now will pay off in future

I encourage the voters in the 17 towns served by the Hannaford Career Center to support the request for funding for renovations and energy upgrades.

Letter to the editor: We must impeach, convict and disqualify Trump

Americans are deeply shocked by the attack on American democracy that occurred in Washington DC on Jan. 6. It was a horrific sight to see armed terrorists swarm up the walls and steps of the United States Capitol, break down doors and windows, and enter t … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Bray is thorough, consistent in his representation

In his eight years in the Vermont Senate Chris Bray has proven himself to be one of the most productive and effective legislators in Montpelier. As chair of the Senate Natural Resources Committee for the past four years he has consistently worked to impro … (read more)

Letter to the editor: McGill’s work, dedication make her a strong candidate

Soon lawn signs will begin appearing in the Addison-5 legislative District towns (Bridport, New Haven, and Weybridge) saying “Jubilee for Vermont.” These signs introduce Jubilee McGill of Bridport, who is running for the Vermont House to represent the Add … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Solar array OK is a good move

I was pleased to see that both the Middlebury Planning Commission and selectboard have approved Middlebury College’s proposal for a solar array on South Street Extension. The Planning Commission gave its approval on condition that the college improve the … (read more)