
Letter to the editor: Solar array OK is a good move

I was pleased to see that both the Middlebury Planning Commission and selectboard have approved Middlebury College’s proposal for a solar array on South Street Extension. The Planning Commission gave its approval on condition that the college improve the visual screening and provide recreational access to the site. The college has agreed to these conditions.
This array is a vital part of the college’s ambitious ten-year plan to free itself from carbon fuel dependence for heat and energy.  It’s an important step in reducing our area’s contribution to climate-changing carbon emissions.
I was disappointed to see opponents to the project focus on the effect it would have on the scenic views along South Street Extension. I am confident the college will do its utmost to mitigate those impacts. We all have to be willing to make sacrifices to combat the climate crisis we are in.
Let’s all do everything we can to support the college in its praiseworthy efforts to reduce its emissions.
Spencer Putnam

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