Book review: ‘Liquid, Fragile, Perishable’ by Carolyn Kuebler

There are so many things in Carolyn Kuebler’s “Liquid, Fragile, Perishable” that ring true. The cast of characters in Kuebler’s new — and first — novel, are so real, so believable, they could be the person walking by you on the street. 

50 years ago this week: Feb. 29

The Feb. 28, 1974, issue of the Addison Independent headlined the resolution of Bristol’s water crisis.

County ready for Fourth of July

The 147th anniversary of America’s independence is almost here, and the usual slate of festivities is back to pre-pandemic levels. Plus Bristol is upping its game with a new facet to its already busy Fourth of July program. 

Babies & Families: The glorious chore chart

Justly or unjustly, I felt like I was the only one doing any of the cleaning while everyone else had fun. That just didn’t seem fair.

Holiday guide: Make your own little trees out of book pages

These fir-like trees can adorn the mantlepiece, the holiday table or any other space you reserve for holiday decorating. They’re easy to make, so it can be a great activity to do with your kids. These instructions are basic and leave room for you to adorn … (read more)

The pandemic is bringing gardeners out of the woodwork

In mid-March, when the realities of COIVID-19 hit home in Vermont and the state shut off many opportunities for face-to-face shopping, nurseries that dealt with retail customers were unsure how to proceed. Shoreham’s Golden Russet Farm, for instance, norm … (read more)

Clippings: Free food was a day-long investment

You should know at the outset that I am a perimeter-of-the-grocery-store, CSA-subscribing, grow-your-own, Co-op-shopping, bring-your-own-bag, environmentally conscious kind of person when it comes to food. So when my husband asked me to go to the Middlebu … (read more)

Shaving your dog: Not always a good idea

I have a dog with a double coat. They require a lot of maintenance — brushing, brushing, brushing — and a vacuum cleaner that can handle mountains of shed fur on your floors. The thick coats always beg the question, especially as summer approaches, of how … (read more)

Sarah’s picks: The world of podcasts

The new reality of self-isolating and social distancing is difficult, but it’s a great opportunity to expose yourself to something new. What do you do when you’re self- isolating and have already gone through all your binge-worthy shows? What can keep you … (read more)

Clippings: Take this 10-minute challenge

I often tease my husband when he is driving because he touches his face constantly and it drives me crazy. Every 30 seconds the hand leaves the steering wheel and shoots up to his head for some reason or another. We have a running joke (though it’s not re … (read more)

County libraries close their doors, open online

ADDISON COUNTY — With the spread of COVID-19 much of the services we are used to are shutting down in one way or another, and public libraries are no exception. Thanks to online technology, however, no one needs to go without a good read, and many librari … (read more)

Guest editorial: Speaking up for climate justice

When I woke up on Friday, Sept. 20, I thought about the day, my husband and my two daughters, as I always do. I let the dog out, had some coffee, got ready for work. In the back of my mind I knew that this was the day of the Youth Climate Strike. Both my … (read more)