Letter to the editor: Rogers Road is a safer place

Now that the speed bumps on Rogers Road have been in place for a couple of months, I would like to offer the opinion that they are the best thing to happen on that road since it stopped being a dead end.

Rogers Road speed bumps get good reviews

The Middlebury selectboard on Tuesday received positive reviews from some Rogers Road residents about two seasonal speed bumps recently installed on their road to help slow traffic in the neighborhood.

Letter to the editor: Rogers Road needs attention

In regard to the traffic and speed of cars on Rogers Road, I have concerns for the safety of residents on said road. There are at least three who have mobility issues. It is a challenge to cross the road to my mailbox! A survey was done in 2005. The resul … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Stop using Rogers Road as a cut-thru

If you live on Rogers Road or are willing to help communicate the need to make it safe, please fill out the town survey about Bike/Pedestrian Connectivity.

Middlebury man’s Halloween display to dazzle with dinosaurs

MIDDLEBURY — October 31 is right around the corner. For some, this means turning out all the lights, heading upstairs with a book and ignoring the witches, wild animals and super heroes prowling the streets for candy. But that’s lame, and boring. And that … (read more)

Middlebury man’s Halloween display to dazzle with dinosaurs

MIDDLEBURY — October 31 is right around the corner. For some, this means turning out all the lights, heading upstairs with a book and ignoring the witches, wild animals and super heroes prowling the streets for candy. But that’s lame, and boring. And that … (read more)