Bristol explores alternative locations for police force

The Bristol selectboard is considering a possible change of location for the town’s police department including, perhaps, by adding a space onto the town fire station. 

Committee to help find new city police chief

A hiring committee of six residents will advise Vergennes City Manager Ron Redmond in the search for a new city police chief to replace retiring Chief George Merkel, Redmond told the city council at its Sept. 13 meeting.

Community forum: Why I became a cop

Within the framework of policing, I’m daily presented with opportunities to exercise compassion.

City council backs $30,000 Vergennes policing study

VERGENNES — The Vergennes City Council on Tuesday voted 5-2 to back a $30,000, six-month study of the city’s police needs and current effectiveness that will be conducted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).City Manager Ron Redmond … (read more)