Letter to the editor: Herb Olson will work for rural Vermont

Herb will keep the rural perspective front and foremost in the minds of legislators so that our towns will not be an afterthought when housing, education, health care, and the environment are being considered.

Letter to the editor: Are our chrysanthemums killing the bees?

Recently I bought a few chrysanthemums and asters from a local hardware store, but as I was about to plant them, I wondered if they too had been laced with the neonicotinoids I’d so carefully avoided when buying my summer bedding flowers.

Letter to the editor: Schools need different governing structure

As a former special education teacher, I was dismayed, saddened and angry as I listened to teachers at the Oct. 12 Mount Abraham Union School District school board meeting.

Letter to the editor: Time to get rid of the filibuster

We are in agreement with organizers from Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight Action, who observed, “We are seeing the worst voter suppression since Reconstruction,” and who termed the current extreme GOP voter suppression efforts, “Jim Crow 2.0.” We are also aware … (read more)