
Letter to the editor: Time to get rid of the filibuster

We are in agreement with organizers from Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight Action, who observed, “We are seeing the worst voter suppression since Reconstruction,” and who termed the current extreme GOP voter suppression efforts, “Jim Crow 2.0.”
We are also aware of the astonishing inequity of representation in the Senate where, as historian Heather Cox Richardson has written, “Although each party effectively holds 50 seats, the Democrats represent 41.5 million more Americans than the Republicans do, in a nation that has 328.2 million people.” She notes we are teetering on the precipice of minority rule.
We Vermonters are committed to pulling this country back from that very precipice and working toward a strong, fully inclusive democracy. With more than 250 newly introduced voter suppression bills in 43 states, we know that states cannot fight this battle alone. They must have federal protection.
Given the Senate GOP’s determination to use the filibuster to block all voter protection legislation, all Democratic and Independent Senators must unite in opposition to the archaic, destructive, minority-rule filibuster. We strongly urge both of Vermont’s Senators to stand up for all voters, especially voters of color, by eliminating the filibuster immediately.
NE Addison County Indivisible
Member, Vermont Indivisible Network
[email protected]
Mary Adams-Smith
Sally Burrell
Marguerite Gregory
Alice Leeds
Maryanne Roberts
Gary Smith
Sarah Stott
NOTE: This letter is based on a letter written to Senators Leahy and Sanders by Indivisible Calais, also a member of Vermont Indivisible Network.

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