Sugaring gets off to a late start this year

ADDISON COUNTY — It’s been cold in Addison County over the past several months. It’s almost as if we had a proper Vermont winter. It was so cold, in fact, that sugaring got off to a late start this year. Many maple sugarmakers had become accustomed over the past few years to starting in February, but this year, because of the persistent freezing temperatures, boilable sap didn’t make an appearance in many places until the first week of March. “We started very late, more so because the snow in the woods was … (read more)

Where in the world is Henry Sheldon?

The Sheldon Museum invites you to take a sweet mystery tour on Saturday, March 20, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and find museum founder Henry Sheldon at five Addison County sugarhouses. At each sugarhouse, look for a full-size image of Henry and take a picture wi … (read more)

Sugarmakers see a good maple sap run

ADDISON COUNTY — Vermont has had a pretty decent maple season this year, all things considered, but it hasn’t been without its quirks and stresses. One issue a lot of local sugarmakers saw this spring had absolutely nothing to do with the unfolding public … (read more)

Sugarmakers are adapting to a warmer climate

MIDDLEBURY — This past Saturday, over 100 sugarmakers gathered at Middlebury Union High School to hear presentations about the state of the maple industry, talk shop and enjoy some delicious maple doughnuts at the annual Addison County Maple Sugarmakers A … (read more)

Maple in every form is a family specialty at Field Days Sugarhouse

The sweet smell of maple syrup wafting across the fairground draws people from all over to the Addison County Maple Sugarmakers’ sugarhouse, where Andrew Rainville is tempting customers with maple cotton candy, cookies, milk, doughnuts, bread, creemees, s … (read more)