Climate Matters: Try the 30-Day Low Carbon Diet and save

According to the Low Carbon Diet Program, a group of five- to eight households agree to meet consistently once a week over a month for an hour to motivate each other to take energy saving actions listed in the “Low Carbon Diet” workbook by David Gershon of Empowerment Institute.

Climate Matters: Too late for business as usual

Do you remember when Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth” came out? I saw it in a crowded movie theater almost 20 years ago. Recently I wondered how our local climate data in Vermont look now compared to then. Quick answer: things have gotten worse. 

Climate Matters: The Knoll is a place of nourishment and wellbeing

Founded by students in 2003, the Knoll, Middlebury College’s educational garden, has become a vitally important center of climate justice, resiliency, education and community nourishment.

Climate Matters: Turn off the gas, bring on the magnets

Gas stoves make people sick, why are we still using them?

Climate Matters: Traveling Vermont and beyond by train and bus

With a little advance planning, it is quite feasible to do the things you want to do in Vermont by public transit, and thus decrease your carbon footprint substantially compared to driving a fossil-fueled vehicle by yourself. 

Climate Matters: A late fall and ‘shifting baseline syndrome’

This year, the last leaves fell on Nov. 8. Last year they fell on Nov. 3. In 2020 the leaves fell on Oct. 31.

Climate Matters: A case for on-site solar

Regular Climate Matters columnist Mike Roy sat down with Ian Phair of Cornwall to learn more about his new solar power venture, Vermont Solar Fund LLC. 

Climate Matters: Vermont’s climate politics and the midterms

On paper it looks like Vermont has done a lot to address climate change. 

Climate Matters: The shifting shoreline of what we think we know

“It might be the very assumption you know something that blocks you from really knowing, but it might be that there is something unknowable mixed in.”

Climate Matters: A search for some delight in a difficult century

I am writing this dispatch from a southbound train, which left Middlebury at midday and is making its way — not too fast, not too slow — toward Penn Station in New York City. 

Climate Matters: We should be feeling our feelings

I don’t know about you, but I hate talking about climate change.

Climate Matters: Vermonters must act today with tomorrow in mind

In June the Middlebury selectboard approved a free right-of-way easement for Canadian-owned Vermont Gas Systems to build new fossil fuel infrastructure downtown on Mill Street.

Climate Matters: Mowing become electric

I spoke with Taylor Rental’s Chris Bagley about his experience selling battery-powered landscape equipment, including chainsaws, string trimmers, leaf blowers, and all sorts of residential and commercial lawn-mowing equipment.

Climate Matters: Breathing new life into Middlebury

Could Middlebury bring the Vermont forest into its city center? Could it create a Green Lung, connecting say the Natural Foods Co-op, through the Village Green, along the Riverfront Park, across the Marble Works footbridge, linking all the way up to the M … (read more)

Climate Matters: Cutting back on mowing

As many Vermonters become more aware of the climate impacts of traditional grass mowing, at Cornwall Orchards Bed and Breakfast we’re exploring alternate approaches.