Locals explore big building decarbonization

A new project spearheaded by the Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County will explore the decarbonization of the county’s larger, nonresidential buildings, such as schools, factories and office buildings.

Ways of Seeing: Climate change affects decisions

This summer we’ve had the chance to see all too much rain, and while we’ve not seen a lot of fires directly, their smoke has blurred our skies, their destructive potential displayed on our televisions. What next? Where do we go from here?

Letter to the editor: Students ask for electric buses

As members of the Middlebury Union High School cross country and Nordic ski teams, we spend a lot of our time on school buses traveling to and from competitions all over the state.

Letter to the editor: Storms make need to switch to renewables clear

There is a direct connection between climate change and the massive rainstorms that have disrupted Vermont life this summer. 

Letter to the editor: No dispute on climate policy

Mostly I agree with Chris Olsen on efforts to battle climate change, but I must explain the CEAC report.

Letter to the editor: Imagine a Field Days of the future — the near future

As the climate warms and the rains continue (and the mud gets worse), can we start working toward making Field Days more responsive to climate change?

Local farmers are grappling with changing climate

In the face of a year marked by damaging floods and a devastating spring frost, farmers in Addison County and beyond are exploring ways to protect their crops during future growing seasons.

Climate Matters: What can I do about climate change?

If you Google “What can I do about climate change,” you will get millions of hits, with plentiful lists and sets of recommendations. The focus most often is on individual rather than collective action. 

Letter to the editor: There’s more to the carbon story

I am writing to request clarification to a sentence in the article written by Marin Howell and published on June 22, 2023, under the headline “Efforts to decarbonize local homes faces hurdles.”

Editorial: Climate, Biden, Trump and the hate today’s politics incites

When the powers you’ve trusted for so long go sour, it’s hard to believe in anything. 

Letter to the editor: Recent weather events underscore global warming

Are we ready to finally treat the Climate Crisis as the existential emergency it really is?

Letter to the editor: Electric buses face hurdle

If electric powered school busses are to be effective, then all electricity used to charge the batteries must be solely from non-polluting sources.

Locals push for county-wide electric school bus fleet 

Proponents of the “Electric School Bus Project” say the switch would reap cost savings and health benefits for county residents, as well as help meet local and state goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

Local committees bring Green Energy Fair to Vergennes

While the warm summer sun is shining and thoughts of solar energy are not far from many people’s minds, Vergennes this Saturday will be the site of an expo designed to educate people about ways to power our modern lifestyle without polluting the planet.

Letter to the editor: Every action is important in fighting climate crisis

I would like to comment on the letter published in your June 29th edition that asks the pertinent question about why Vermonters are being burdened with efforts to fight climate change when the “red” states are doing nothing about it.