Sponsored Content: Local bank helps customer with unexpected discovery

When Bristol’s Rick James stumbled upon two forgotten $25 E Series savings bonds from the early 1960s and 70s while searching through his elementary school records, he turned to his local bank for assistance.

What is the DIDC and why sign the petition?

[SPONSORED CONTENT] Established in 1996, the Middlebury Downtown Improvement District Commission (DIDC) and the accompanying downtown district, is designed to provide additional taxing authority and revenues to the Selectboard to implement public improvem … (read more)

Nominate a Neighbor [sponsored content]

We asked you to recognize people in our community who are making a difference and it’s clear that there is no shortage of people to recognize here! Thank you for participating and a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all of our friends and neighbors who go the extra m … (read more)

Meet the Maker: Jane Reilly [sponsored content]

[Sponsored content] Have you explored the possibilities at the Makery? Be inspired!   Maker: Jane Reilly, Middlebury How long have you been using The Makery? I used the Makery for a couple of months this spring and summer to complete a project I’d be … (read more)

Meet the Maker: Catherine Brooks [sponsored content]

[Sponsored content] Have you explored the possibilities at the Makery? Be inspired!   Maker: Catherine Brooks, Vergennes How long have you been using The Makery? I’ve been curious since it launched in 2017, but a friend recently told me about the sew … (read more)

Meet the Maker: Nathaniel Klein [sponsored content]

[Sponsored content] Have you explored the possibilities at the Makery? Be inspired!   Maker: Nathaniel Klein, Middlebury College ’21 How did you find out about the makerspace? Through the college’s Innovation Hub. We were looking for access to a CNC … (read more)

Meet the Maker: Anja Wrede [sponsored content]

[Sponsored content] Have you explored the possibilities at the Makery? Be inspired! Maker: Anja Wrede, Cornwall How long have you been using The Makery? About 2 years and I’m here almost every week How did you find out about the makerspace? From a friend … (read more)