Letter to the editor: Trump is the better choice

I may only be writing this letter with half a brain according to Salisbury’s Bruce Acciavatti. If you read the nastiness of his letter, it shows that his political party cannot reach across the aisle for compromise.

Letter to the editor: Give students needed support

One of the most important things we can do as a community is educate our children.

Faith Gong: Beautiful Things: Change

There are many innovations that I’d like to stuff back into Pandora’s box: social media, crop tops, and weapons of mass destruction come to mind. But as I enter the second half of my life, I’m determined to give change a chance, rather than have a reflexi … (read more)

Editorial: Elementary school is not what most of us once knew

In last week’s Addison Independent, reporter John Flowers wrote two insightful stories revealing student behavioral problems within the Addison Central School District, most of which occurred in the elementary schools, with Mary Hogan Elementary School in … (read more)

Ways of Seeing: Hearing aids can be life changing

What? Do you hear and ask this question often? I did, too, until recently. When my daughter visited last summer, I asked her if she thought I needed hearing aids.

Jessie Raymond: Path of totality calls for formality

As you know, we have one coming up Monday, and I want to be dressed appropriately.

Jen Olson: Giving voice to our educator identity

I’m going to let you in on a … not so little secret. Those terms are out of date. Whether you call it school, preschool or by its official name, “early childhood education” — it’s education and we’re early childhood educators. 

Community Forum: Vermont needs to update Act 250

Act 250, Vermont’s visionary development statute, is over 50 years old. It is often credited as one of the primary reasons that our landscape looks the way it does.

Poetry: My bugle, my flag

The state suggests I bring in my bird/ feeders./ If I don’t want to find myself/ staring into two dark eyes./ If I have enough courage./ To step onto my porch./With my bugle. My flag.

Letter to the editor: Telephone Gap project targets old growth trees

My concern is the Telephone Gap project plans, primarily in Rutland County, of the Green Mountain National Forest and the public comment period that ends on April 8.

Letter to the editor: Affordable housing options for seniors sorely needed

Mr. Payne’s March 28 letter to the editor got me thinking about a recent article I read in Seven Days concerning aging in Vermont (Getting On: An Aging Population Is Transforming Vermont’s Schools, Workplaces and Communities).

Letter to the editor: The best choice in the election is clear

Though a second term for Donald Trump should be unthinkable, it seems possible that he could win a narrow victory if enough traditionally Democratic voters refuse to vote for Joe Biden.  

Letter to the editor: Timber harvesting strategy steeped in good reasons

I’m writing to express my dismay at the misinformation again being spread about the Telephone Gap timber project. Timber harvesting on the Green Mountain National Forest is good for Vermont and the environment.

Letter to the editor: State’s sanctioning of gambling is deporable

Gambling has been unleashed. Apparently, there aren’t enough existing addictions. So, why not search for more ways to make life miserable for those who already struggle? We’re good at promoting and underfunding destructive behavior.

Letter to the editor: Tiny flaw in a journalistic gem

I was pleased to see in the March 28 publication that the Addison Independent was named New England’s top weekly newspaper. I feel well informed by the various articles and appreciate all the work put in. However…