Letter to the editor: Bray keeps his promises and is fighting for us all
The primary for Vermont statewide offices is next Tuesday, August 13th, and I’m supporting Senator Chris Bray.
He’s worked hard on many issues, listened to all points of view, and has gotten real things done to make our county and our state greener, better, and more supportive. Chris keeps his promises and is willing to fight for all of us. He shares his thoughts openly, keeps an open mind, and he doesn’t just say what people want to hear. He looks at issues deeply and practically, consults with experts on many sides of an issue, and does his own research into areas like green energy, sustainable and affordable growth, and keeping our lakes and rivers healthy.
I attended a legislative breakfast when Chris was challenged by a group of fuel oil dealers and truck drivers and I was impressed that he sat down with them after the meeting and listened to their points of view. When he went back to Montpelier it was clear from the resulting legislation that he had taken their concerns into consideration.
Bray has consistently worked with others to find workable solutions even on controversial issues. His record of introducing bills, bringing them to the floor, and having them successfully passed speaks for itself.
If you care about the environment, local farms, access to healthcare, and support for working families Senator Bray is the person you want working for you — and all of us — in Montpelier.
Richard Butz
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