
Letter to the editor: Thankful for the community spirit that runs strong in Cornwall

The Cornwall Trunk or Treat had a great sophomore year this year. The weather mostly cooperated, it felt like a smoother parking to event transition, and it felt bigger this year. Aside from a sprinkle early on, the weather was great for us again this year. It looked like great fun was had by all, with the kids enjoying the extra activities of pumpkin carving, having the town Grader to look at and climb on, Halloween sensory items, and the hay ride.

Now it’s time to thank everyone who helped make this a great, fun day for all. First and foremost, thank you to Champlain Valley Motorsports, Inc. for again graciously donating their space for our event. Next, we want to thank all the people who provided the wonderfully decorated trunks, without whom we couldn’t call it Trunk or Treat! Thank you to the Fire and Highway department members who donated their time and brought out the Fire and Highway trucks, and Grader. Thank you again to Kerianne Severy with the Vermont Children’s Museum for the sensory station and all the behind the scenes help. Thank you to Middlebury Pediatric dentistry for the toothbrushes. Thank you to Kinney Drugs for their generous donation of candy for us to hand out. 

There were a few private citizens who made monetary donations for candy and to help pay for the Porta-potty who we want to thank. Thank you to S&J Excavation and Peet Farms Greenhouses for surprising EVERYONE with the hay rides.

Lastly thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy our event. Without you, there wouldn’t be a reason to put on a gathering like this. We love to see all the costumes and excitement.

If anyone who attended this event would like to share some feedback, good or bad please send it to Ian Ross at [email protected]. There is always room to learn and improve. It may even help us in improving next year’s 3rd Annual Cornwall Trunk or Treat.

Ian Ross


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