
Editorial: YOU make Field Days special


For those living under a rock, or hopelessly glued to a screen of any sort, break free and attend the final three days of Addison County Field Days. It’s their 75th anniversary celebration (the Addison Independent is celebrating our 77th year, and like many of you, we’ve been avid supporters of Field Days for all those years) and this year, in a special twist, they’ve dedicated the event to YOU — the fair goers. 

And right they are. Without attendees what’s the midway, or the Children’s Barnyard, the food stands or arcades? Without you to appreciate the hard work of those knitting, sewing, gardening, crafting, baking and creating works of art, where’s the fun, and who would share the stories the antique enthusiasts tell of how things were done decades ago? Without you, who would the young 4-Hers show off the year’s work to? Who would the pullers and the demo drivers, the sheep shearers and wool-spinners, the hand-mowers and iron skillet throwers puff up their chests for? Who would cheer the comedy acts, the daredevils, the magic shows and the Pirate Man Dan? For gosh sakes, who would cheer for the racing pigs! And be amazed by the skill of the young Annie Oakleys riding in the Gymkhana? 

In short, YOU are what makes Field Days so special, but not if you’re not there. The final three days are this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Go. Only YOU can make Field Days truly special.

Angelo Lynn

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