Letter to the editor: ‘Vermont Public’ name a misfire
I couldn’t agree more with Paul Stone’s letter (12/22/22) about the new moniker for Vermont Public Radio & TV’s consolidation. It also struck me as rather odd, perhaps even silly.
Vermont Public WHAT?
Mr. Stone pointed out the names American Public Media and Delaware Public Media as examples of sensible and descriptive monikers.
I would like to add another. OPB, which stands for Oregon Public Broadcasting. Oregon’s Public Radio and TV stations are contained in one location in the southwest section of the city of Portland, Ore. During one of my many visits to Portland, I called them and asked if I could have a tour of the facility.
The employees who escorted me on the tour of the building were very welcoming and friendly. Seeing how everything was set up at OPB was so interesting to me, as a longtime radio broadcaster.
The name Oregon Public Broadcasting is simple and describes exactly what they are and do. Oregon Public Broadcasting.
In his letter, Paul mentioned that he wrote to Vermont Public, objecting to the new name. Their answer was laughable. But sad. It took them two years to come up with such a vague and stupid description?
And I will bet that they didn’t ask one member of the “public” for an opinion or idea.
They replied to Paul that they were “talking long and hard.” How hard can it be to come up with the word “Broadcasting” when you work in the business of broadcasting?
I’ve worked in broadcasting for over 35 years. They should have called me when they were trying to figure it out. Or they could have called Oregon Public Broadcasting! They would have been happy to help out.
That said, I enjoy watching Public Television and was a monthly contributor for many years. I’ll just try not to cringe too often when I hear them identify the station.
Diane Desmond
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