Education Op/Ed
Letter to the editor: Shoreham selectboard weighs in on ACSD issues
For the third time, the Select Board of the Town of Shoreham has not received a response or even an acknowledgment of a letter sent to the Addison County School District Board of Directors. We have also learned that our recent letter, appended below, was not shared with all School Directors.
28 September 2022
Victoria Jette, Chairperson Board of Directors
Addison County School District 49 Charles Avenue
Middlebury, VT 05753
Dear Ms. Jette,
By voice vote on the floor at Town Meeting 2020 the voters of Shoreham unanimously approved two non-binding articles, one supporting a restructuring of election of School Directors at large to a town-by-town election structure, the other supporting a requirement for local town voters to approve closure of their town elementary school.
The Shoreham Town Selectboard understands that the Town of Ripton School Board is requesting a charter change with respect to the latter as a condition of re-entry into the ACSD. The Shoreham Select Board strongly supports this Charter change, and, as evidenced by the March 2nd 2020 vote, so does the Town at large. This Charter change would go a long way toward restoring trust and confidence in school district politics among the six outlying towns in our district. We do not believe that such a change would make it impossible to close a small school. Voters in our Towns are thoughtful people who will respond to a strong, well-articulated argument. A Charter change of this nature would, however, balance financial considerations with community needs more effectively.
The Shoreham Select Board looks forward to your considered response.
With best regards,
Stephen Goodrich
Loren Wood
Peter Lynch
Molly Francis
Ruth Bernstein
Selectboard, Shoreham
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