
Letter to the editor: Ripton deserves to make its own decisions about its school

At our Ripton School Board Meeting about our upcoming Sept 29 vote, many in our community came together to hear and ask questions about the current situation. While there is no easy solution, we were able to come together and feel heard.

Sadly, this has not and will not be true if we rejoin ACSD. The current structure does not allow for us to be heard. We have tried for over four years to work within that structure, and (at best) have been given lip service to change. Forming another subcommittee is not actual change.

According to Charles Billing’s “A History Ripton,” we have had a school here at least since 1826. Especially considering this deep history, our town should have the right at least to decide if our school stays open or closes. The only way we are going to have a say on such impactful community decisions is by voting No on Sept 29. Let’s not make that Ripton School Board meeting at the Ripton Community House one of the last.

John Wetzel, Ripton

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