
Letter: Conlon has shown he deserves our vote

You learn a lot about a guy when you play hockey with him for 20 years. Here’s what I’ve learned about my friend Peter Conlon. He’s a steady defender, he scores when the opportunity’s there, and he’s a locker-room leader, managing our Friday Night Hockey dues with transparency and warm humor. Plus he rarely misses a skate: last winter, 100% attendance.

All of this suggests why Peter should be re-elected as the representative for the people of Cornwall, Salisbury, Leicester, Ripton and Goshen. You can count on him to work hard and get stuff done. His priorities? Securing a sustainable future for our schools; lowering heating bills and health-care costs for hard-working households; and expanding access to affordable housing, childcare, and broadband.

A great teammate, a common-sense leader. Peter Conlon deserves our votes in the August 9th primary.

John Isham, Cornwall

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