
Editorial: Vergennes is on a roll


The passage on Town Meeting Day of the Little City’s $25.5 million bond to finance a new city wastewater treatment facility is more than good news for Vergennes. The fact the measure passed with 87% of the community’s support sends a deeper message.

It not only means the city is galvanized behind a key project that will largely prevent sewage overflows from entering the Otter Creek and Lake Champlain and will add capacity for further commercial and residential growth when needed, but that city leaders are willing to build needed infrastructure today for tomorrow’s successes.

In the long-term, the project will be a crucial building block in the city’s economic future. It’s one of several steps that will keep the Little City on a roll for the foreseeable future.

Vergennes residents owe congratulations to city leaders who worked hard to develop a solid project, and then were able to convey the importance of the project — and its once-in-a-lifetime value — to voters. Kudos to those involved, and to city residents for recognizing when a pricey project is still an opportunity that’s too good to pass by.

Angelo Lynn


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