Letter to the editor: Thomas deserves new term on Midd selectboard
I’m thrilled to see Esther Thomas running for another term on the Middlebury selectboard.
Those of us who live outside of Middlebury, in the surrounding towns, cannot vote in its elections — but our lives are deeply impacted on a daily basis by any and all changes within Middlebury. Midd is “town” for so many of us — the hub of commerce and socializing, the place where we shop for groceries and other items, run errands, meet friends for coffee. The work the selectboard has done over the past years to enhance the town and living/working conditions with the bridge and rail project has been important. Eventually we will all benefit from having an Amtrak station much closer to our homes. And now we can look forward to new projects and initiatives.
Esther Thomas has been a calm voice in advocating to make Middlebury a more welcoming place for all. Her steady presence in advocating for affordable housing is appreciable. She cares deeply about Middlebury and its environs, and deserves the opportunity to continue her valuable voice and presence on the board.
Julie Conason
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