
Letter to the editor: Ripton can save money with split

I assure readers that Ripton is taking correct action to remove itself from the Addison Central School District to take control and preserve their small town school.
Costs for education can now come under their control to lower their town taxes.
They can hire teachers that they can afford, not those with excessive demands for retirement and healthcare, while the voters have none. Better teachers focused on child needs without union restrictions. My one-room teachers gave me the education for college to be successful, Ripton can supply that too.
Ripton can make decisions on how to spend for the education of children over the elementary level, they might use vouchers so parents can have funds to choose the education provider they want regardless of public, private or religious entities. Whatever is the best educational choice for their child’s needs.
Bus routes will be redesigned for actual needs. Everyone goes by car per parent, or drives themselves! Do we need expensive bus contracts?
How about homeschooling where parents can apply for “cost per student” cost to come to them for homeschooling. That can add up to a nice sum with several children.
Addison pays around $2.8 million for just a few students, around 60 or under.
People who are proactive can no longer be threatened to the point they are scared to speak up for the changes they want for educational needs for their children.
Ripton has control over their schools for public meetings without charges from ACSD to use their own town property they worked so hard to build and pay for. Addison has lost this, as Addison Northwest School District owns their building and has control of it without consideration for taxpayers’ needs to meet for public meetings, those of course to create change against the ANWSD board.
The corrupt school board, thinks it can refuse the voters’ wishes, voted in large overwhelming numbers to state what they want as taxpayers. Ripton voters will not have that happen to them, their vote will be respected by local townspeople.
The school board for the district now will lose its control over high taxes as students disappear back to towns, where the voters have control over their education, their school and the tax rates. Cost savings! You do not need the State Education Board of Montpelier telling you what you can do and not do! Wow, that is a breath of fresh air, back to local decisions and control.
Those who want the public schools with all the high costs can take their child right over there. But, when small towns’ community members get a force going they will be providing better education at less costs! Seniors on fixed incomes need tax relief to eat and pay for medical needs, and heat while keeping a roof over their heads.
Guess what, people move into town, build homes and come where taxes are lower and education is better.
Good for you Ripton! Support is there to help you succeed, while the ACSD scrambles to find a way to correct all of its control that has suddenly gone bad. Other towns are following! It is great to see change for all townspeople and children who want the very best of education to succeed.
Elizabeth S. Armstrong
West Addison

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